I knew that blackout was a cover story. On Sun. - - . Under disguise of the first Covid-19 pandemic the children were treated on the USNS Comfort Hospital Ship in the New York Harbor and the USNS Mercy Hospital Ship off the coast in California. God Bless you and all the troops ..words cannot discribe the feelings! Re: 2100 Children Rescued From an Underground Base Gee, it's kind of amazing how often 2100 children get rescued. There all in base hospitals. There must be 2 generations down there. On 23 June, 12 boys went exploring in Thailand's Chiang Rai province with their football coach - and ended up trapped deep . He said the "Deep State" group includes Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, 5G wireless companies, Lindsay Lohan and 200 other Hollywood actors and actresses, and former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Is there any pictures? He captured rogue CIA and FBI child traffickers on tape discussing their operations. I wonder if the mainstream release of this information has anything to do with the Q post that read THEY WONT BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREETS. Countries were in lockdown so the rescue operation could happen, he said. God Is Mighty and so are his Warriors!! Pentagon 1 said the military is locating kidnapped children using information from sources that include investigative journalists and Whistleblowers such as Field McConnell who is presently being held prisoner in the Pierce County, Wisconsin jail. Where are they? Since the first Dulce War ended in a stalemate with many casualties on both sides (although several hundreds of human prisoners/abductees were reportedly rescued in that war or military operation), it may be possible for the Navy SEALS, etc., to attack the Dulce Matrix FROM BELOW via underground sub-aquatic SUBMARINES. TED GUNDERSON - Former F.B.I. The central claims of the posts on social media point to an April 2020 publication on the website timothycharlesholmseth.com entitled, Child Rescue Operation unfolding right now in NYC? ( here ). DEWINE & STATE OF OHIO], Broward County, Florida and Stearns County, Minnesota the WORST for Satanic child sex trafficking Timothy Charles Holmseth, U.S. CONGRESS HAS RECEIVED JESSIE MARIE CZEBOTARS PETITION TO APPEAR AND TESTIFY [READ IT HERE]. Are they really found? Its a new America!!! October 20192,100 Children held captive in underground tunnels in California were saved by a team of Navy Seals and US Marineshttps://timothycharlesholmseth. This is great if it is true? Navy Seals and U.S. Marines RESCUE 2,100 CHILDREN from California underground bases. Media outlets in NYC have no reports of rescues. To all the paedophiles, child traffickers, Satanists, elites, cabalists, illuminati, secret society members, complicit media whoresyour time is coming to an end. No, that's not true: It is a false conspiracy theory unsupported by reality and similar to another Lead Stories previously disproved. Nearly 4.8 million Ukrainian children have been displaced amid the Russian invasion, but some online claim the attack is a "special operation" to help save their lives. Who knows who their freakin parents are? Technically we have been in a state of war since September 11, 2001 so a person guilty of treason during wartime is put to death!!!! Thank you for such good work and I hope that in the future I can assist in helping them in a meaningful way. Although operational details are scant, Real Raw News learned that SEALs from Coronado infiltrated the vessel at approximately 2:00 a.m., then stealthily traversed the ship, subduing its 20-man crew and the captain using non-lethal force. The secret underground base at the getty museum. When will this information become more then just a rumor? The UN in New York and Century City in LA, both under control of the Council of Foreign Relations, were known breeding grounds for avowed Satanists who practiced Child Sacrifice.Charlie Ward, a professional gold mover for the US Treasury who had been in a couple of the tunnels, said, The child rescue operations have moved in earnest in Nevada what was amazing is that everyone was thinking Las Vegas would be the horror show of horror shows there was a horror show but it was Reno underneath Reno they could not believe the tunnels underneath the groundContinues Child Rescue out of Underground Tunnels Across the Globe.Military Continues Child Rescue Out Of Underground Tunnels Across The Globehttps://darkoutpost.com/satanism/military-continues-child-rescue-out-of-underground-tunnels-across-the-globe/https://goodcheeba.blogspot.com/2020/09/child-rescue-out-of-underground-tunnels.htmlGeneral Flynns sister, Mary, interviews with a 20 yr USAF Veteran to expose the child trafficking of American children through the corrupted CPS/Family Court System!https://rumble.com/vcx2et-warning-they-want-your-children-too.htmlTHE BLACK MASONIC EYE OF HORUS IS CONNECTED TO ADRENOCHROME AND CHILD-CIDE (GENOCIDE)https://www.bitchute.com/video/QBRYxbwiq4MM/THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK THE SHACKLEFORD LEAKS EPSTEINS MASONIC TEMPLEhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/aOuIq46C6gzF/There are new updates to the operation to rescue children from the tunnels under the White House, Epstein escapes, and new intell on Assassination attempt:https://rumble.com/vdph85-rescued-children.-white-house-epstein-tunnels-assassination-attempt.htmlAccording to the UN, Sweden have the worlds largest DUMB. And for Our President Trump as he continues to lead our Armed Forces to rid our great country of these Godless Satanic Parasites! Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Lead Stories LLC: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. But Dunn continues to promise that photos of caged children are about to come out. They included arrests of pedophile perpetrators and destruction of the underground tunnels and bases through bombs that caused minor earthquakes. Corporate author : International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa Person as author : Ki-Zerbo, Joseph [editor] FATHER, in the name of Jesus, may the light of truth and justice come immediately upon anyone hurting any child. Fr God bless, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for finding these children. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their blood. God Speed. Recent earthquakes have been caused by the military blowing up Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) so they couldn't be used again. Holmsethconfirmed to VICE News that he was a believer inQAnon, a fringe group that claims Democrats are behind international crime rings. Praying for Archangel Michael to overshadow each freedom-fighter, the blessed children, God help the children. We want to get symbols of comfort to them such as teddy bears; or anything like this- We want to help them. THINK children set free: Jeremiah 22:3 says: Thus saith the LORD; Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in this place.. I am so with you in my orayers and spirit and I know others who are also. He added, "A lot of you are going to lose your minds cuz everything has been subverted, your government, your education, your medical mafia, everything.". Realized by researchers at Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa Italy. The only people even aware of this guy are people that truly dig and dont buy all the bullshit we are seeing left and right on youtube and everywhere else on the internet. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. We are all responsible for every one of these Children. You know? The rest will pay for theirs for the rest of eternity! Such evil, Thank you Mr President Donald J Trump. But a video merely shows the actress appearing to be impaired and trying to take a homeless refugee family back to her hotel room. It is too horrific. Will our POTUS address this when all is said and done? Note: In my initial report, due to a miscommunication, I erroneously reported Navy SEALS were involved. Your Choice to Know ! Thank you!! Detta r vad Trump slss fr och r The SwampDet hnger ihop Han skrev order p detta ! Dunn refers to an incident involving actress Lindsay Lohan, which he said showed her kidnapping a child. In the early morning hours as body bags were being delivered, multiple troops were seen coming out of the White House with at least a hundred children in tow. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. All was thought part of an international Child Trafficking Ring run by global and political elites with ties to Jeffrey Epsteins Pedophile Island that lay next door to Bidens Water Island.Listen 15 minutes inWho build the cages Joe?Who killed millions of innocent in war Joe? See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Pentagon 1 said the operation was done under cover of darkness. Stre i nyttrstalen: Ukrainas kamp er vr kamp. Watch on Last October an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines in a military operation using around 10,000 troops. It would not be reasonable to believe none of them have leaked it. But it was confirmed. 35000 was one of a few stockpiles of people waiting for the stuff to die down and they could resume there crud, we get the kids back and they have zip no leverage no chrome crud no sex crud no nothing and then we can get them with zero fear of kids being shields they get what they deserve 100% go for it all. I had many disturbing significant dreams about missing children in cages, I wish to share this in private with one of your staff people, thank you. There all trying to be fixed up and made whole and get some nutrition in them and they were in incredibly bad shape. It is uncertain whether the SEALs knew precisely where the children were held on the ship or if they obtained intelligence through interrogations, but they found 200 emaciated children of different nationalities in an expansive cargo hold below decks. People dont realize Obama is arguably one of the worst and most corrupt Presidents Americans have ever had. Dunn doesn't give locations, dates or times, although his video surfaced in April. Its not a hopeful rumor! One example comment on the lack of reporting states: They want this to be hidden.. Some of these kids were shackled to bulkhead, others were lying in puddles of their own feces and urine. Mike Pence will not be the next vice president. One conspiracy theory around COVID-19 is that celebrities catch the virus from ingesting the blood of children along with hormones from young adrenal glands. He acknowledges that his wife thinks he's "nuts.". Im Namen Jesu Christi mit der Kraft des Heiligen Geistes bitte ich Gott im Himmel um die Befreiung aller Kinder aus den Klauen der Huldiger Satans fr immer. [Book], Cross Triple Package 20% Discount [BOOKS], Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us [book], Children being Rescued in Tunnels: Happening Now, Making Peace with God Now, Before its too Late, CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Corona: Mainstream Media CAUGHT RED HANDED using Mannequin [video], Manny Pacquiao Singing and Sharing [video], Sound Doctrine for a Glorious Church [podcast], What the Bible says about Effeminate Men [podcast] [shorts video], WHY this Asbury Ordeal is a Blessing [podcast], Judging and Examining Ourselves [podcast], The Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven [video]. How can anyone sleep knowing and not helping. Just knowing that there is great progress being made is a real Godsend. Resque your children. MORE UNDERSTANDING OF THIS HORRIBLE SITUATION. I cannot imagine the horror of their little lives or the sick feeling turned fury of our heroes that brought them out. I believe our role in a post-911 world isto project the moral authority of the United States around the world. No such division exists. Id like to hear yo ur reasoning otherwise!!! HE SHOULD BE ARRESTED, TRIED AND CONVICTED OF TREASON AGAINST AMERICA AND SHOULD BE SENTENCED, AS PER THE CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED SENTENCE FOR TREASON AGAINST AMERICA. Join the free Brighteon email newsletter. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 the first Navy Seal and US Marine rescue occurred of an unbelievable 2,100 children found locked in cages in Underground Tunnels that ran beneath the California China Lake Military facility. Im a Counsellor who has worked with people, young people & children with PTSD. Children are what make the world go around.What if it was your child ,think. Learn more about the alliance here. A Facebook post shared . Ja, det r hon. Bless these children with supernatural healings. My husband and I just finished the Foster care training in TN and would be honored to receive children from this and help them be restored and healed physically and emotionally and spiritually through God amazing love for them! What would be worse than that? An article about kids held underground, published in BeforeItsNews.com, also describes in vivid terms the condition of children allegedly used for adrenochrome ceremonies: Traumatized children, some of whom have never seen the light of day, pregnant preteens, deformed babies, piles of little corpses whose bodies were apparently used for organ harvesting, children locked in cages, electro-shocked and traumatized in order to harvest their blood - Adrenochrome for the elites to drink - were being carried out of the tunnels by Marines. https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2020/05/fact-check-thousands-of-children-kidnapped-by-satanic-pedophiles-not-pulled-from-underground.html, Fact Check: No Research Proves Mouthwash Could Protect Against COVID-19, But Scientists Say It Should Be Studied, Fact Check: Greg Evensen's 'Heads Up Oklahoma' Posted By Johnnie Cheadle Is NOT About 2020 Coronavirus, Fact Check: Lady Gaga Did NOT Participate In 'Vile, Sickening' Blood Drinking Ritual Pertaining To 'Adrenochrome And Spirit Cooking'. Thank you for the news! The thousands of children rescued from Underground Tunnels beneath the White House and US Dunn's reference to adrenochrome is about what Spinoff.com calls "the drug that doesn't exist": Adrenochrome is a drug for the liberal elite of Hollywood made from actual human brain stem containing hormones from the adrenal gland. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. I have been alternative praying, bawling and praising God that these precious lives have been lifted out of pure evil darkness. Coronavirus has taken 10,981 lives in the US multiply that by 3 to get a better understanding of how many children in the US alone that are being bought,sold,raped,neglected & abused but now 35,000 CHILDREN have been saved! Please dont tarry!!! 500,000 children go missing in one year. Please tell me how I can do this. Watch documentaries the techno-fascists don't want you to know even exist. "The children are being released as we speak, you're going to have thousands of nurses telling the story," Dunn said. An unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines on Wed. Oct. 16. (Think I'm wrong? Rescue our kids. 2,100 CHILDREN. Just trust in the Lord, it all makes sense now why all of this has been happening. God Bless you! I know God has this! Will he pay? 3 of the kids are now in an adoptive home situation but are not finalized yet and two are not on the list yet. The neighbours who once rescued you from the oppressive Pakistanis is now a very . I should have said 30 years, instead of 20. Lastly, thank you all for those who prayed for these children. They are being cared for on the Naval medical ships. Wouldn't people notice if they went missing? I thank God for the president Trump for taking action to save these children. On Wed., Oct. 16, 2019, the first American Navy Seal and US Marine rescue of 2,100 children was found locked in cages in Underground Tunnels that ran beneath the California China Lake Military facility. I initially reported the conditions in which the children were held was hell on earth of Biblical proportions. Navy Seals and U.S. Marines Rescue 2,100 Children From California Underground Bases Amy Dawson Timothy Charles Holmseth, Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, reports Navy Seals and U.S. Marines rescued 2,100 children from underground bases and bunkers in California. I am now reporting many of the children rescued by the U.S. Marines came from Child Protective Services (CPS). Praise God for this REPORT!!! It is beyond the truth what president said about these guys involved. By Judy Byington - @ Trauma Research Center and Child Abuse Recovery Speakers Bureau. 2,100 CHILDREN RESCUED BY U S MARINES FROM UNDERGROUND TUNNELS IN CALIFORNIA 5,113 views Jul 9, 2020 2100 CAGED KIDS IN TUNNELS RESCUED BY US MARINES IN CALIFORNIA - TAKEN TO HOSPITALS. The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force will continue to monitor the situation regarding Sheriff Nancy Hove and the Pierce County Sheriffs Office that is now being accused of kidnapping and Treason by many online. Timothy Holmseth is the only reporter authorized to report original content for the PPTF. Xd but yes if children are being saved this is huge. We cannot find an attorney that will handle the case against Redwood falls Minnesota Child Protective Services. That is absolute B.S. He lost consciousness on his way out of the Tham Luang cave complex, where he had been . How amazing. They will not return our calls nor will they acknowledge our petitions. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. We saved a place for you to receive our weekly newsletter. Michael to overshadow each freedom-fighter, the blessed children, God help children! That caused minor earthquakes future i can not find an attorney that will handle the case Redwood. To know even exist a believer inQAnon, a fringe group that claims Democrats are behind crime... The U.S. Marines came from child Protective Services ( CPS ) worked with,! Protective Services ( CPS ) and they were in lockdown so the rescue operation could,!: they want this to be impaired and trying to take a homeless refugee family back to her room... To take a homeless refugee family back to her hotel room rid our great country of these were! We are all responsible for every one of these kids were shackled to bulkhead, others were lying puddles. Neighbours who once rescued you from the bottom of my heart for these. 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