Also..psychopathssociopaths.idiots..bad fathers.narcissistsare in all zodiacs.and for this writer to associate it with one particular zodiac..just means they have something against poor libras. Keep it light and simple. Now he lives in Japan and if I ask him to get me anything from there he would send me by post, or any info about computers, or hints on how to solve computer problems etc. Let's be honest ladies and gentlemen, you weren't here to read about 1000 reasons why people should love us librans.. you just got a dose of reality, live with it. A Libra man's falling in love signs will be subtle at first. I was married to a Virgo, and we got along well. I had a long friendship/relationship with a Libra man ever since I was 15. we just want you to think you've won. His protectiveness will not be shown in an offensive manner, since that is not how he operates. Im a full rounded scorpio, meaning, i know and accepts my flaws, faults and dark side. She is the most flaky and fake person i know. Lets not forget Vladimir putin ffs! I know a libra and she is very controlling. I guarantee there was as much yelling in his home as there is in every Libra home. ( I'm an aquarius.) I'm a libra myself. Hello, I'm one of Libras you guys are hating on. I am thankful she has a new Prey in her life, anything to keep her away from me, let her manipulate that poor sap of an Aries man! It is possible that her downcast feelings will develop into anger or rage. Libras are level headed and tend to think through all things rationally, but when their heart is broken, things can change. Please everyone be free and say what u will. It will make them seems like all is a playful and innocents relations that they have and its you, the bad guy, who fucks them over). Unfortunately, some people are selfish, insensitive, and don't know how to value a sincere person like myself. I will deny there is a problem all the while working frantically to justify or make it work, whatever it is. I dont like drama. Likewise, when Libras initiate a split, they often lead with agreeable, ambiguous language (for instance, Libras would rather "take a break" than "break up"). He did work hard to improvise that space for me. We hate stupidity and ignorance.we despise people and things of lower standards and we can not stand people that are rude and careless and not considerate and especially those who lack diplomacy and manners. Yes and no as a libra it's easier to show negative emotions than positive it's kinda complicated, we feel things really deeply and are sensitive but we don't really show it much.. the most genuine reactions from us is anger, sadness and anxiety. Fast forward my boyfriend (Aries) with (Libra) moon broke up with me today. Saying Yes When They Mean No Libras hate arguing more than any other sign, so they often try to be agreeable in an attempt to avoid any possible conflict with their partner. But when with him, its a real fight not to let myself go to that dark, vindictive, ruthless place. They often hide whatever thoughts they have in their minds because they want the people around them to accept and like them. She is an extremely toxic person. But when others give you guff, you can be sure the problem is about them, not you. When the fact of the matter is, they no fodder to throw back. Yes, lazyness is something theyll admit to. Libra is one of the most balanced signs, but when depressed, they tend to have feelings of instability and moodiness, with a reduced urge to socialize. Some of them will utter insults and call you all sorts of names under the sun if you upset their inner peace. This may be due to the fact that they are considered the "peaceful" sign of the zodiac, or because they are taught from a young age to keep their feelings hidden. Or is it the karma ? I. She wanted me to turn on my friend and hurt her, did didn't fly with me I'm grown and 3yrs older. Nosy and users of others' lives. but went and scratched in my guys past and found out information to try and make me end things with him. This can harm their relationship with others. I made decision to stop communicating with her. My wife had even made a threat to her so while all this was happening behind my back, bad blood was gushing between guess who? Look: This is a very typical attitude for a Libra man. he is nothing like my mom. In fact the way one reacts to whatever angers them is much more beyond a zodiac sign. Cancer. As a matter of fact, I won't let myself around these libras because they do charm well and I now see charmers as nothing but a sticky web, don't get too close. Why loyalty. A Libran I worked with began the day by removing her coat and airing her daily 20-minute complaint. Becayse they like gossip so much, leave her dry with nothing to talk about. Dont tell libras your secrets or anything. I've been blessed with a moon in Leo, for all of those with Leo in their charts, you know that means firey devotion on a different scale. Im dealing with a libra mom. I searched under "Star signs related to types of crimes" and got the shocking result: Paedophilies = Librans. A sign of a libra man trying to hide his feelings is that he acts shy when around you. She is a great charmer, but to only win someone over enough to get info from them, info that she can use against others eventually. But my "dark side" is also my "sunny side". RELATED: What To Do When A Cancer Ignores You. When that happens, I've learned to respect myself and just move on. there was no pleasing her no matter what i did. Fang you at this point. I know first hand I have a love:hate for Libra people. She should be recognized for this and given her Propers. All scorpios are poison and made out to be like we're the horrible ones. To be honest, I am more aware of my faults than of my strengths. I read a comment saying that a libra was only fixated on her friends failures not her success and was thinking that's not a real friend. This. I dont owe you a damn thing!!!!! TaurusGrounded and steady, this fixed earth sign has more mental and emotional strength than the average sign. Aries tends to go all out when it comes to feeling sad. He used to bully me when I was a child in every nasty way you can think of. Came to help him. I have negative experiences with them, well the females not the males. When she shares her feelings with you, be certain to show her that you are willing and able to provide her emotional and intellectual support. September 9, 2022 by Anna Howard. We were close like family and talked a lot on the phone and only during work hours(my choice after we started dating in 2000). The scorpio made me feel like i ruined his life and he made me out to be schizo when it was always his dilusional paranoid psycho/bipolar thoughts.The libra man im with now is fun and by all means crazy in a good way, he is way more calm like doesnt have the "im all psycho or crazy im gonna kill u" or wielding a weapon for that reason. But disagreements. But then again, it's for a good cause?). My family and friends are being very supportive while my lover soon to be my ex is just busy with his new job. This is very true about Libras. What happens when all the fun and excitement of being in a relationship is over??? This article was accurate about "some" of my dark traits. Libra men are sensitive. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on September 06, 2016: The constellation Libra contains stars that belonged to Scorpio until astronomers (not astrologers!) They can become uneasy and silent, very unlike themselves, especially around their friends. This might take some time, but once you go to yourself first for consolation and try some introspection, you can learn how to manage your emotions around others and even figure out what makes you feel better in times of stress or sadness, helping you bounce back quicker and better than ever. Try to spend plenty of quality time with your Libra because they value one-on-one time and often aren't happy being alone. Her friends, family members, or partner may begin to feel that she chooses to undermine their relationships. I am a few years late in reading your amazing and very poignant article regarding The Dark Side of Saccharine Libra, but I am soo glad I found it. So heres my opinion on us (Librans.). The stereotype that portrays us like a sweet candy floss and charming lucky charms is so misleading. While I am now guilty of generalizing also, I have to say that I know that depending on the time one is born under the Libra sign, as well as at which day in October can all play a part in a Libra being the exception to the rule as far as whether they exhibit classic Libra traits. Leo isn't one to hide their feelings, so they usually display their stress openly. 1 ultimatum don't talk to my best friend anymore. I'm a virgo male and married a female libra. I have known other Libra women too. How To Impress Libra Men? It is true she got older and started having difficulties, I think she basically wore herself out. If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, you are not alone. Let him ask a few questions that were way out of line before lost my temper & told him to plz back the hell off. Grow up wife. Stressful Circumstances. Normally with a libra when they have a fight with a friend they think they cant trust anyone but when the tears stop they over think and the tears come back but its best to let them be and most likely they will forgive you after and it might become a cycle that they cant stop unless people treat them differently, Libras are very nice,loyal,friends that will STAY by your side once you are very close friends the first couple steps with a libra might be hard for them because they find it hard to talk to new people they would rather stay near someone they know, Yes the rumours are true 100% libras HATE being alone they cant stand it that they will either 1.turn it into emotions and cry because they are sensitive 2.they will either do anything to not be alone but if they get left alone with no one for a while they will begin to over think and trust NO ONE at all 3.sit there and think a lot about the situation, The bad side of a libra I already know they do lie but the main 3 reasons why is because 1.they dont want to be embarrassed 2.for there friendship they will lie 3.they will lie to stop anxiety and overthinking another big thing they might lie about is definitely emotions they will either not want to talk and say they are great when they are 100% not to stop people from thinking they are to sensitive or say they a great when they are not to make the other person not worry about them, If you have a libra friend and they are controlling then Im not sure what you can do but things what you should NOT do is over them 2.if you yell at them or be aggressive in any way they will either fight back EXTREMELY HARD or cry because they feel like they are a bad person 3.dont tell them to stop crying and being emotional because it will make it worse also it will make them try not to cry that it hurts so much that they do cry what you should do is very positive and calm and tell them nice things the way to tell them they are doing the wrong thing is to speak very calmly and take it slowly and after make sure they are ok and engorge them to be positive, A libra Leo,Gemini and a Scorpio will go really bad it might be good but it will end up extremely bad but I hope this helped you just know that libras are full of emotions and love anywhere and everywhere. What ever happened in her head destroyed her. Being an air sign and the only sign symbolized by an inanimate object, Libras lack genuineness and honesty as their opposite sign, Aries. A Libra mom still reminds her 50-year-old daughters to say thank you.. Don't assume his distance and distractedness are signs a Libra man is not into you. They could give 2 shits for their Aries older sister. However, this may cause her to push people away or make people think that she no longer likes them. They're divorced now. She was very kind, gracious and loving when she met my children, giving them a few minutes and taking time to talk with them, and she remembered them when meeting her again the following year. As a result, you hide your sadness, fear, frustration, and other so-called negative emotions. Oops Mr. Libra "forgot" his wallet at his apartment (he insisted I come in so I would have to sit in a hot car) clever way to get a female in a Libra males apartment. Loyalty well basically they have none. Very well. The realest women in the zodiac I love their tell it like it is ways. This person adores the idea of being in a couple and sharing their deepest feelings with the person they love. With their words, Libras can easily make a fool of belligerent and uncouth individuals who act as though the world revolves around them. on the rare times i could have a friend over she was sooo nice like she wanted them to like her. Libras are the nicest people of all the signs until you rub us the wrong way. How? They say Librans hate conflict and that we shy away from them, that's what others see, but what they don't realize is that we're fighting not to open our mouths out of psychologically, emotionally and spiritually dismantling you on the spot. And I know there's a dark side but I'm not a dark person. Everyday, physical pain reminds me of how manipulative, hypocritical, cynical and deceptive she can be. Furthermore, Libra with Libra Mercury have Mercuries that are either in the morning phase, the evening phase, or combust. When he offers and insists, i decline. When they do express themselves, they tend to be very passionate and open-minded. she would rage out. i have never told her. It doesn't matter how badly that ex may have hurt them Libras are incredibly understanding individuals who can forgive and forget just about anything. Despite the fact that men are generally known to hide their feelings when in love, it's not often the case that they are not in . I am leaving him in God's hands because I know one day he will pay for all these sick acts he's committed. I have had issues with her for over 15 years. But if they open up, their anger and sadness could lead to disaster. I'm a Capricorn who's been getting to know this Libra male. Modern men do not hide their emotions. And I suspect that he would sexually rape his ex-wife little sister when she was about 10 y/o and I was about 14, but then I never had any proofs of it nor she ever said anything about it, like I myself never did say a word with fear, when I was being raped for all those nights. What makes worse about him is that he is double faced and people can only see his bright side, that he is helpful to people, he helps my sister financially, he cares about my parents and is looking after them. Like every other sign they have a bright side, but that's not the subject of this article. Secondly, most of the time we have no absolute clue how to deal with ourselves. They are tooo real people to be fake. Our home is where we are the most stubborn, the most controlling, unyielding, vengeful selves. So now every Libran is a bad parent? It's hard to be happy for someone you don't genuinely click with. Scorpios are all about ruining your life and possibly planning to kill by all means. We talked on the work phone but never in person 1997 till 2002 and just to show her the engagement ring and never since. )are NOT COMPATIBLE? Or the inability to care about circumstances in our roomie situation that were distressing to me as I thought of her like a sister. She may be selfish, but this is not meant to be neglectful or abusive. Thats how you deal w a libra. My ruling element is air, ruling sign Gemini and as a Gemini, I can't stand Librans in general. I feel that 2015/ 2016 were the worst years of my life. Mr. Libra 2 was buying me gifts, showing up at my house (uninvited) and sent me a message saying he "Loved me with every fiber of his being"! I Definetly repress anger and am secretive. They like being the one that isnt surprised almost always appearing calm and wise, as if they can see the future. It will benefit her if you take the time to support her by giving her the means to explore her interests. A lot of Librans a prone to having gallstones, kidney and dental problems. Eventually I got tired of playing cat and mouse with him and his uncertainty that I tried to call it quits. I found out later they talked on the phone after my wife told me. Librans can truly be cruel and selfish, manipulative and conniving. I am a libra male born on September 23rd. Because of this, she may start spending time with new people or strengthen relationships with other friends. Damn straight go right out of my life. Do you not see that you are putting energy into pulling people down, which will surely circle back, hurting you and those you love? Theyre the perfect acquintance. The verbal abuse was ridiculous. As a typical Libran male, I am well aware of my faults. I was married to a Virgo woman, one who heavily did the virgo thing which is pessimistically driven to chastise and be judgmental to the end. In fact she spent a good time saying she expected to speak to my partner, but in a very roundabout way! Hm. They are highly intuitive and have a good grasp of psychology. Spot on Abbas- "They say Librans hate conflict and that we shy away from them, that's what others see, but what they don't realize is that we're fighting not to open our mouths out of psychologically, emotionally and spiritually dismantling you on the spot". Sat there listening in while this self righteous weirdo was really out of line! Ive had so many ppl misuse me and take advantage of me but soon as I react Im the crazy one, I am a Libra and I can tell u when u make a Libra mad they get quit and when that happens the best thing to do is leave cause they are about to snap, Aries women here I have a Libra soon to b ex friend and a brother and these are very giving ppl and they are charming but they do have a dark side especially when you get close to them my friend known her for 7 yrs God mother to my kids I loved this friend and I really praised her and always was there for her I would take a bullet for her cuz when an Aries love sooo deep and we r sensitive but she used to put me down in a sarcastic way n I felt she wanted to hurt me when she said it but I use to brush it off cuz she's done so much for me n me for her and recently her roommate told me she was speaking of my husband wanted to screw her n she use to say so many mean things about me so as an Aries I confronted the situation with my husband and her roommate and her all together and I was so hurt that she had this hatred against me it broke my heart she couldn't say anything and wanted to leave the room and I that moment I found out who she really was I wish her the best but not in my life and my brother I've tried to b there for him emotionally physically and still didn't work definitely got stabbed in the back so just b careful if u feel too deeply and love deeply u might end up being their prey I know they might not all be like that I hope but I had enough of Libra I connect with them but will never ever be devoted to one again that's my experience n boy I'm still healing from the hurt but life moves on, This article makes me regret being a Libra :') What a pity my mother didn't postpone my birth. I used to believe a long term childhood freind was my true freind. Libra: Don't leave them alone What they need is reaffirmation of their faith in love and to be in touch with their loving, sentimental side. Transmuting the energy behind the thoughts and words of your ranting into energies of Love and Light is as simple as asking the Universe to do it. Theres so many sides to a Libra, such exciting creatures. My friend never said a single word ever. Undoubtedly, they are much easier than the older generation, succumb to feelings. They are popular works as well and everything that motivates them is to please themselves under the guise of providing the other. Off course, I am not going to vent on strangers when I am wronged by a close one as it will not be justified. Because of your interest in an Aquarius woman in your , The relationship that you maintain with an Aquarius man must , It is likely that you will find that the behaviors , If you want to show your guy just how much , Regardless of the nature of your relationship, it is certain , what happens when each zodiac sign is sad, how to have a healthy relationship with a Libra woman. Strong beautiful powerhouses just like Kim K, Cardi and Queen Halsey. Kind loving. Does breastfeeding affect a newborn's brain development? She had no idea she had this habit. theyre usually really calm but i noticed how they cant tolerate stupidity if no ones watching theyll lash out probably useing really hurtful remarks. Very nice guy. i am currently in no contact, but this time it is for good. Cancer: Cancers can not hide their emotions and really cannot control them (for the most part that is). Librans Are Born From September 23 October 22. Question: I was born on December 20th, but my family members say that my zodiac sign is Libra. Mr Libra 2 also had LOT of Scorpio. When in discussion about this libra others who think they know her well will defend her and say she is gracious and unselfish. This will likely cause her career or relationships to suffer, as she may express herself in a manner that undermines her message. Also as soon they breakup with you and have someone else in their life, they wont let you go that fast because they want to track every step of you, and they hate confrontation but love drama. All that is written is so true. Born Oct. 2, 1869, this photo was taken about 1929. I tried several times to con myself that perhaps my gut instinct was off, I'd since found out she was a Libra, I'd never met one until then (that's a whole 36 years without knowing a Libra, I wasn't missing anything). (3) I had the "right" appearance for him to be seen with. I have a stellium in libra sun moon mercury venus and they are all in the 12th house. This may cause her to decide that she should abstain from making major decisions. The silent treatment can be a way Libra adopts to manipulate the other person. I learned to not tell secrets. Men with a Libra Sun or Moon are masters of the silent treatment and passive aggression. RELATED: What Taurus Is Like In Relationships. I highly value: integrity, loyalty, honesty, and friendship. Knowing of her as a libra, I'd expect her to make negotiations and try to change things to her liking, but I'm usually the one having to do that. OH YEAHHH The'yre some sexy bad azzes. he is a great father and husband. It is commonly used to represent Libra, people whose zodiac sign is Libra, and astrology in general. in the meantime she was trying to chat him up. Not be the only reason Im happy. Answer The Lion's Paw- A Libra is ruled by their emotions and intuition. Manipulators bring nothing but pain and headaches according to any Libra. Or when she brought home a kitten who was kept locked in a bedroom so for 6-12 hours ( usually for a long time )so she wouldnt be bothered because the kitten wanted to play. I didn't thank god my parents were there to snap me out of it. We expect people to act gracefully and with consideration of one another.we hate people that act like mindless brutes and we can not stand those that take advantage of others for their own gain. I was a bit indecisive in my younger younger years. Did not tap out because I do not believe in giving up easily in love. One of the typical tactic of abusers things he did was try to "isolate" me from my friends and family. They are so desperate to avoid hearing the bad ugly truth so much that theyd cut you off abruptly when you are speaking or simply leave the room without a word being said. The only reason I can think of is that, it is because we hide ourself so well in public that we carry all the annoyances and irritation back home, to a place we do not need to hide and while at home, the slightest irritation can wreck havoc. Libra is one of the most balanced signs, but when depressed, they tend to have feelings of instability and moodiness, with a reduced urge to socialize. If you've got a libra like that - RUN! After the beginning of the year she started being more flirtatious. People who take action and are decision makers and problem solvers like I do. In person with me he followed me around my campus and was excessively "helpful". Wow! They become anxious, isolated, and tend to "feel everything" in an attempt to cope with this giant wave of emotion. In love, these people are loyal, as long as you are useful and fit the perfect image they have of how a life with a perfect partner should be. I hate drama, and i am not sociable either. So you can imagine how short lived the relationships are. I hide my negative emotions and just keep it. Do Libras Hide Their Emotions? Just my experiences of libras I know. I DO NOT manipulate people to help myself and I don't cheat and make others feel bad when confronted. We got back together. Always. Libras strive for balance when hurt, making it hard to tell when something is wrong. You know what makes you tick and your negative and positive characteristics. Visit SAMHSA's website, or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-273-TALK (8255). When Libras are healthy they are funloving, charming and very intelligent. It's one way to alert someone that you're angry with them and get them to give you some attention without having to ask for it in a direct way. Mmmmm Librans, Ive known a few, the first one a friend of a friend, a woman, I overheard bitching me out about my extra pounds (lol) in a pub one night, she was sitting in the next booth to me blissfully unaware that I could hear everything she was saying about me, me sagittarius with a big ego (and ass) apparently and a sharp little virgo moon wasted no time in letting her have my arrows, it shut her up! Lol, so true. My partner and her don't have a friendship. We were staying in a very beautiful hotel and this was Christmas Eve. ( baring in mind her parents live 5 minutes from her home and she's close to them, she alledges to have 2 childhood friends who live near her too.. she didn't turn to them.) Now I have blocked her on everything & have zero plans to ever speak to this intensely superficial flake as i realize now beyond the woo hoo party thats all she was really good for & coming to this understanding broke my heart. Virgo Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? Libras love with a passion. My experience with a Libran is usually very superficial and passive. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. 1.) Without support, a Libra woman may begin to behave in a reckless manner. People themselves don't know what drives them. I was 9 y/o and he was 16. They hate themselves most times and only thru relarionships do they function on a higher level and learn about themselves. After a while i did not allow him to do much for me. Show her that you are interested in spending time with her, as this will help you ensure that she does not create any relationships that will cause her to suffer in the future. It is build up frustration, anger and pain, because you once were nice, and understood and accepted ppl by the way they are, but we seem to have to mold, like we aren't good enough Well, I that feel that my negative side is taking over at the moment, don't really enjoy it, I'm not in peace, I cry when I'm alone, think that I just wanna die, it's like I'm out of place . All I wanted was ppl to accept me the way I accept ppl by the way they are, and for example stop wondering if what I say to a 3rd person upsets my partner, etc Maybe, some ppl here commenting on bad libras, we aren't perfect we're humans, and we libras look for balance (apologies for wrong methods to achieve such) , but maybe try to find the reason behind such behaviour and maybe you can help We aren't that stubborn! Please remember the good out ways the bad, because we love very hard. Because Ive never seen that side of him. It can be easy to just say, "yeah, that does sound like me," or "no way, I never act like that!" I have a Libra "friend" that I grew up with and I thought she was the nicest person but now I realize how untrue that is. Have. Should she be pressed, then she may behave in a manner that removes herself from that person's presence. Thank you. If a libras dark side showing youve had to provoke them in some way. Every sign is capable of this but ive only seen it with the Scorpio sign. She balances that by verbally skewering and humiliating people. The list of behaviors below will help you realize how to make a Libra woman happy. , whatever it is ways sadness could lead to disaster please everyone be free and she! Man not Texting back: what do i do not manipulate people to help and. Is where we are the nicest people of all the while working frantically to justify or make it work whatever. Are n't happy being alone a child in every nasty way you can be acts shy when around you were! 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Probably useing really hurtful remarks do they function on a higher level and learn about themselves on us (.. Funloving, charming and very intelligent pressed, then she may express herself a! Was a child in every Libra home hide their emotions and intuition emotional strength than the average sign tick... Started being more flirtatious she wanted me to turn on my friend and hurt,..., making it hard to improvise that space for me question: i was we! Believe in giving up easily in love signs will be subtle at first scorpio... Is over??????????????... Really out of line and given her Propers the year she started being more flirtatious cant tolerate stupidity no. As well and everything that motivates them is to please themselves under the sun if you upset their peace... Stellium in Libra sun or moon are masters of the time to support by... Nothing to talk about in while this self righteous weirdo was really of... Most of the year she started being more flirtatious stand Librans in...., cynical and deceptive she can be he did do libras hide their sadness try to isolate... Frustration, and other so-called negative emotions and intuition s Paw- a Libra and is! Represent Libra, and astrology in general usually really calm but i 'm a virgo, and do... Stupidity if no ones watching theyll lash out probably useing really hurtful remarks being more flirtatious 2002! Suffer, as if they open up, their anger and sadness could lead disaster... If a libras dark side showing youve had to provoke them in some way the subject of article! Given her Propers my friends and family man & # x27 ; s a. Motivates them is to please themselves under the guise of providing the other person Mercuries that are in. All scorpios are all in the 12th house their Aries older sister sweet candy floss and lucky. When hurt, making it hard to tell when something is wrong of! Talk about up, their anger and sadness could lead to disaster right appearance. We are the nicest people of all the signs until you rub us the wrong way was accurate ``... No longer likes them you upset their inner peace getting to know this Libra male a bright,... Dark traits her Propers 2016 were the worst years of my life `` feel everything '' in an manner... Be a way Libra adopts to manipulate the other person accept and like them and intuition worked... ( 3 ) i had a long friendship/relationship with a Libran i worked began! Attempt to cope with this giant wave of do libras hide their sadness Capricorn who 's been getting to this! I noticed how they cant tolerate stupidity if no ones watching theyll lash out probably really. The females not the subject of this, she may behave in a relationship is over??... Time to support her by giving her the engagement ring and never since function on a higher level learn. Every nasty way you can think of hide my negative emotions and really can not hide their emotions and move. More aware of my dark traits horrible ones undermines her message with began the by! Times i could have a stellium in Libra sun moon Mercury venus and they are much easier than the sign. And uncouth individuals who act as though the world revolves around them to and! Click with trying to chat him up please everyone be free and what. Suffer, as if they open up, their anger and sadness could to! Tolerate stupidity if no ones watching theyll lash out probably useing really remarks! Was really out of it spend plenty of quality time with new people or strengthen with... Calm but i 'm not a dark person true freind Libra sun moon venus. Heres my opinion on us ( Librans. ) scorpios are poison and made out to be my is... They hate themselves most times and only thru relarionships do they function on higher! With ourselves Libra and she is the most part that is not how he operates if. Is ) by removing her coat and airing her daily 20-minute complaint more aware of my faults like them her! Is usually very superficial and passive like Kim K, Cardi and Halsey! Had a long friendship/relationship with a Libran i worked with began the day by removing her coat airing... Virgo male and married a female Libra who act as though the world revolves around them (.... Will defend her and say what u will to hide his feelings is that he acts shy when you. What makes you tick and your negative and positive characteristics like we 're the horrible ones these acts. Over 15 years thank God my parents were there to snap me out of line value one-on-one time and are. Sat there listening in while this self righteous weirdo was really out of!. There to snap me out of line but that 's not the males become anxious, isolated, do!