The Spanish imported Africans as a new source of labor. This is Aalto. You can also check out the larger version on page 16 of the Practice Exam. Study Notes, LLC., 17 Nov. 2012. In the 1840s and 1850s, the views expressed by Calhoun most directly contributed to (A) the United States acquisition of new territory in the West (B) increased sectional divisions between the North and the South (C) the development of sharecropping and tenant farming in the South (D) the rise of voluntary organizations to promote religious reform The speech, referred to as the Nutbush Address, called on colonists to protest the unfair taxation and corruption of the colonial officials. That's easy it's the best way to study for AP classes and AP exams! 0000001497 00000 n Many Americans began fighting for prohibition long before 1920. In 1933, the Eighteenth Amendment upholding national prohibition was repealed by the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment, which allowed the states to decide for themselves whether or not to support prohibition. endobj But the nature of backcountry life changed dramatically between 1750 and 1760. 0000029200 00000 n Queen Anne signs the Act of Union. 193 0 obj The nature of the animals in the paintings supports the theory of an ancient land bridge between Europe and Africa. a. Indian tribes were divided in their loyalties, with some assisting the French and others the British, b. a. In a series of conflicts over trade and natural resources that consumed much of the latter half of the seventeenth century, the Five Nations of the Iroquois League had driven most native peoples out of the upper Ohio and Potomac River valleys by 1700. 0000018963 00000 n In fact, Great Britain would abolish slavery before the United States would. endobj Discovery and Settlement of the New World, The Middle, Chesapeake, and Southern Colonies, Transcendentalism, Religion, and Utopian Movements, Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction Plans, Consequences of the Civil Rights Movement. No longer a novelty of the wealthy, the efficient assembly line lowered the cost of a car enough that over 30 million were owned in America by 1930. <><>22 23]/P 29 0 R/Pg 171 0 R/S/Link>> The mob stormed the court, vandalizing the courtroom, and dragging multiple officials through the streets, looting shops as they ran through the town. These farmers, whose incomes were little and whose resources were none, were forced to turn to the newly arrived merchants for goods. In September 1770, a group of Regulators marched into Hillsborough, a town in the eastern area of the colony, where the colonial court was in session. The Regulators were not seeking to overthrow the government, but rather to destroy the corruption that dwelled within it. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Many opponents of prohibition believed that the only way to change the law was to break it on a massive scale, so they tried to undermine enforcement efforts so that the law would be seen as meaningless. 2020 Virginia Humanities, All Rights Reserved . The pay is specified in the employee's contract. Frederick Taylor developed a method to standardize the manufacturing process through a step-by-step analysis and factories that applied his methodology were increasing their production. 2. <> Darrows strategy was to point out Bryans literal beliefs in the text of the Bible, including that a great fish swallowed Jonah, that Eve was created from one of Adams ribs, and that Joshua had stopped the movement of the sun. JohnDewey. Excerpt from Thomas Jeffersons Slavery Grievance in the first draft of the Declaration of Independence. D. colonial governments attempts to extend political rights to new groups, 2. GRE Blog More than ever before, education was a priority in Americans lives. Seven of the Regulators were executed, while the rest were pardoned by King George III at the suggestion of Governor Tryon. Herman Husband and another Regulator leader, John Pryor, were elected to the colonial representatives, a small victory for the movement. Groups may try to reduce or eliminate social tension with groupthink and other processes that reduce candor to produce group cohesion and harmony. A. Pontiac's War, waged by Indians against the British in the Illinois and Ohio countries, engrosses the backcountry of Virginia in fear and fighting. GMAT Prep As World War I was raging in Europe, a political and social revolution defined by a struggle between the labor class and capitalists was taking place in Russia. Although the movements strongest support was in the Midwest and South, the Klans message spoke to individuals in all corners of America. At the urging of Husband, the first actions of the Regulators consisted of peaceful protests and petitions to the government to replace the corrupt officials with local colonists who knew the struggles of the lower classes. In the meantime, Governor Tryon alsohad an estate built, Tryons Palace, at the expense of the public. backcountry violence in the eighteenth century and how such violence affected the social and political world of eighteenth-century American communities. (b) Explain ONE historical reason why Thomas Jefferson eventually excluded this excerpt from the final Declaration of Independence. All multiple choice questions are taken from the 2017 APUSH Practice Exam. The wealthy British officials in power were known to most of the lower-class North Carolinians as the courthouse ring, a group of corrupt officials who often preyed on the poor and unjustly extorted the colonists for their own gain. 1TaR'__Txp# rC7 CwF@F# In their colonization of the Americas, the Spanish used the encomienda system to, organize and regulate Native American labor. The movement, however, faced great resistance in large eastern cities where many social activities were built around the consumption of alcohol. <> 0000002366 00000 n Authorities urge non-English Protestant immigrants whose non-slavery-based small-farm communities might create a buffer against Indian attacks and French expansion, and deter runaway slaves seeking to establish independent colonies in the Appalachians. [250 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 0 722 0 333 0 333 0 0 0 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444] ;77n( 4PSZdVdR#y?6oYf5C,wdO}O$9rrf2_|WIpIB)"t2%O{d`,_~"RjIcVbx(8 #!i^67d1Lzw* All Rights Reserved. An increase in conflicts between British settlers and American Indians The change in settlement patters from 1700 to 1775 best explains the growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and colonial elites. Most of Garveys financial endeavors were unsuccessful and ultimately failed, and he was eventually sent to prison in 1925 for defrauding investors. The Navigation Acts most directly reflected which of the following goals for England's North American colonies? There, and in at least five new towns founded during the conflict, the economic demand created by refugees and the labor they could provide intermingled with the needs of soldiers and camp followers to stir a dynamic economic mix out of which true market-town economies emerged. Contact Us, Follow Magoosh Growing challenges by dissenters to civil authorities. Under this act, a new quota system would stem the influx of foreign-born citizens into the United States. 0000015520 00000 n MCAT Prep Nobles, Gregory H. Breaking into the Backcountry: New Approaches to the Early American Frontier.. <>4]/P 6 0 R/Pg 155 0 R/S/Link>> Lawyers from around the country came forward to defend him, and the stage was set for a sensationalistic event that would put progressive education on trial. Praxis Prep, Our Blogs The major push toward the British occupation of the backcountry began with a series of land orders totaling close to 400,000 acres west of the Blue Ridge, issued by Lieutenant Governor William Gooch between 1730 and 1732. To further restrict immigration, in 1924 Congress adjusted the quota system so it was based on the census of 1890 when few southern Europeans had arrived. (Jamestown. ) Zora Neale Hurston, considered by many to be the most prolific African American writer of her time, explored themes of female identity and love in her books Dust Tracks on a Road and Their Eyes Were Watching God. The pattern of colonial settlement up to 1700 resulted most directly from which of the following factors? Living in the northern states, blacks found they were able to speak out and act more freely, and thus their political and cultural influence started to expand. To this, he responded that he would meet with them if they gave up their weapons and dispersed. A. improving diets and thereby stimulating population growth In the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, Pueblo Native Americans revolted against their Spanish conquers, displaying the tensions between the ruling class and the subordinate class. <>stream He and a party of about fifty gentlemen, possibly including William Dandridge, embark on the expedition; German and Scots-Irish families from Pennsylvania soon follow. had the use of large draft animals such as the horse and oxen. In this postwar decade, many citizens, especially in larger urban areas, were embracing new forms of entertainment, discovering new recreational activities, and adopting the culture of consumerism. D. Saint Augustine. A. British governments attempt to assert greater control over the North American colonies <> 0000017629 00000 n On November 7, 1919, federal agents in 12 cities raided the meeting places of the Union of Russian Workers. The era of national prohibition began in 1920 with the establishment of the Eighteenth Amendment and was enforced by the Volstead Act passed by Congress that same year. %PDF-1.7 % D. An increase in trade with French Canada, 9. However, competing Question: The excerpts from Anne Hutchinson best represent which of the following. British and colonial authorities encourage the settlement of the backcountry of Virginia. <>23]/P 22 0 R/Pg 155 0 R/S/Link>> Stars such as Rudolph Valentino and Clara Bow began to wow audiences. According to the court, Scopes had purposely violated the law and was fined $100; though the state Supreme Court later overturned the fine on a technicality. This FREE annual event brings together educators from all over the world for sessions, lectures, and tours from leading experts. A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers A. France B. Holland C. England D. Portugal B (Holland) The majority of the Regulators signed the oath, and those who would not comply went into hiding or exile. The inclusion of the Backcountry in this picture allows all to see just how extensive the efforts to maintain the wealth and power of the planter elite. By the end of the eighteenth century, the backcountry had become a successful model for the development of mixed-farm, market-town settlements on new frontiers as Americans overspread the trans-Appalachian west. In the 1720s and 1730s, British and colonial authorities encouraged settlement of the backcountry, particularly by non-English Protestant immigrants whose small-farm, non-slave communities might create a buffer against Indian attacks and French expansion while deterring runaway slaves seeking to establish independent colonies in the Appalachians. In The Waste Land (1922), Eliots disenchantment and sense of helplessness were palpable and his work became a benchmark for modern literature. The map most directly depicts the AppendPDF Pro 6.3 Linux 64 bit Aug 30 2019 Library 15.0.4 A. Apart from the strikes taking place, in April of 1919 the United States Postal Service intercepted almost 40 mail bombs addressed to such prominent figures as John D. Rockefeller and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Prince 12.5 ( Discuss what factors caused the transition toward greater social diversity and complexity and whether the development was an inevitable result of population growth and expansion. As Warren Hofstra has demonstrated in the Virginia backcountry, what backcountry families principally sought was "self-control over their economic affairs" rather than great wealth and personal riches. The number of casualties among the Regulators is unknown, but 9 of the colonial militia died and 61 were wounded. A The judge presiding over the trial ruled that scientific testimony would not be allowed. Backcountry, Frontier, Colonial South Carolina, Lowcountry, Regulators, Commons House, endstream Questions 3-5 refer to the excerpt below. Managerial Finance. Garvey came to New York from Jamaica in 1916, bringing with him the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), an organization he started two years earlier. 0000001872 00000 n Indian territory west of the Blue Ridge in Virginia is not greatly populated, making it susceptible to European occupation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our Products Some sources claim that Governor Tryon fired the first shot of the battle, killing a Regulator, although this claim is disputed. Many cities braced for the worst and federal troops were placed on standby, but not one demonstration took place that day. In Philadelphia, the Paxton affair also appeared at first to reflect the same east-west tension. Many other factors also contributed to the economic expansion, including the mass production of electricity. All of the following were Portugal's contributions to the Age of Exploration, EXCEPT, sponsoring Christopher Columbus's voyages. Magoosh Home <>5]/P 6 0 R/Pg 155 0 R/S/Link>> Staring in 1921, radios began appearing throughout American homes, even though long-ranged broadcasting was not viable until late in the decade. In this way, the revolts showcase the tensions between different classes. Fitzgerald was an almost overnight success, with his 1920 novel This Side of Paradise, which became very popular with the young flapper culture. Henretta Chapter 2 Study Guide Key Terms: Identify and explain the SIGNIFICANCE of each of the following: Chattel Slavery- Encomienda- Columbian Exchange- Mercantilism- House of Burgesses- Royal Colony- Headright System- Indentured Servitude- Pilgrims- Puritans- J. The increasing anglicization of the English colonies Always 100% free. The eastern region was the home of the provincial government and most of the royal officials. ;=N?&v4\}pl30f^pEvu1a;Q=Ya\>CRMJjA[4}S ;ucv j}RN`}hP))ct"wG$SsLkPu9eO-YOu. Things began to change as the population of the colony boomed from immigration, and a new and diverse wave of immigrants moved into the rural west, disrupting the stable social order that the farmers had maintained. The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 best explains the Because most of the recipientssome of whom obtained orders for more than 100,000 acreswere Germanic and Scots-Irish immigrants from Pennsylvania, and because the lieutenant governor had mandated that they recruit one settler family for every 1,000 acres within two years as a condition of receiving their land patents, Goochs policy let loose a substantial migration of Pennsylvanians to the Virginia backcountry. Beginning in 1920, immigration into the United States once again increased dramatically. In total, the battle lasted about two hours before the colonial militia had defeated the Regulators. Privacy Policy A. Over the next few weeks, Governor Tryon issued a pardon to any rebel who would sign an oath of loyalty to the government. They believed that science and religion could not only coexist, each could support the others tenants and principles. Starting on January 2, 1920, Palmer began enforcing over 3,000 arrest warrants, and police in 33 cities took about 6,000 suspected communist into custody. *\On,=t%{g:lvKMlGvVXM =8pZGTa(:Tj^SY1PS#rySiS&*3C[.OvN-N9zjJ1@m@d{ uma:k;}/AZ;-@Gk9Y! :UTG{ Q:.e]V`AIln'A I @b~(RVT_MaB-? Which of the following most directly resulted from the decline in the Native American population that the Spanish colonists were using as a labor supply? The auto industrys success also drove economic expansion in other areas. The eastern region was the home of the provincial government and most of the royal officials. <>3]/P 6 0 R/Pg 155 0 R/S/Link>> <> Infighting began to plague the Klan as factions squabbled over control of the large amounts of money collected through a $10 initiation fee. C. significant proportion of colonists who remained loyal to Great Britain during the American Revolution In addition, this question . The principal motivation shaping the earliest settlements in New England (Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay) was, In which of the following regions was the production of wheat so important to the local economy that the area became known as the "bread colonies?". 77 0 obj 0000003965 00000 n 1 z?/ :%[MnnZ'=z~Wi]o?Wj2_&,wA@}%k(SJe``::## Even though these extreme tactics were the work of a handful of anarchist, few people saw the difference between anarchy and communism. (c) Although Jefferson chastises the King for being (supposedly) Christian and supporting the slave trade, many Christians in the United States used Christianity as a foundation for slavery. If the open-country neighborhoods and exchange economies characterized the first phase of backcountry settlement, then a town-and-country settlement system was the product of a market revolution in agriculture, the improvement of the landscape, and the development of market towns with an attending hierarchy of rural hamlets and local villages. The wealthy North Carolina government officials were ignorant of the struggles of the lower class. The former frontier was an articulation of a hierarchical plantation society, Anglo-Virginia culture, tobacco production, and African American slavery, while the latter was set apart by its more egalitarian social composition, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism, and small-farm, mixed grainlivestock economy that was dependent on neither tobacco nor slavery. In the eye of colonial authorities in both Williamsburg and London, however, their Protestantism, self-sustaining small-farm communities, and lack of dependence on African American slavery rendered them ideal protagonists in a global struggle with Catholic nations such as France and Spain. Explanation: (D) The actions of the Paxton Boys represent ongoing tensions between backcountry settlers and elites within colonial America. Students also had to comprehend how the protests often reflected as well as created sectional, especially east/west, tensions. StudyNotes offers fast, free study tools for AP students. How can Chantal change the employee's, Explain how you got your answers pls 1.After 1863, which of the following MOST fulfilled the "new birth of freedom," that the excerpt refers to? 0000000016 00000 n The British government restricted colonial growth throughout the 1600s with formal laws, c. The were outnumbered by French colonists beyond the Appalachian that blocked their expansion, d. The British respected the sovereignty of Native American and refused to encroach on their lands, 18. Alan Taylor, historian, American Colonies, 2001, 3. Because of the drought, the farmers were unable to harvest food and maintain an income. endobj D. The rise of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Before delving into the world of the backcountry, however . growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and coastal elites, King Philip's War could be best described as, a conflict between Native Americans and New England settlers, By the 1750's, the British colonies on the North American mainland were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT, disdain for British constitutional monarchy. Now that you have that understanding, lets get into the most important part of this blog post: the questions themselves. 76 0 obj McKay, one of the first literary standouts during the Harlem Renaissance, published a collection of poems called Harlem Shadows in 1922. endobj If you are a Premium Magoosh student and would like more personalized service from our instructors, you can use the Help tab on the Magoosh dashboard. Although the movements strongest support was in the first draft of the lower class Pro 6.3 Linux bit! Britain during the American Revolution in addition, this Question century and how such violence affected the and! It 's the best way to study for AP students revolts showcase the tensions between backcountry settlers and elites colonial! Growing challenges by dissenters to civil authorities other processes that reduce candor to produce group cohesion and harmony '. From all over the world for sessions, lectures, and tours from leading experts of... 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