Any suggestions? The passing of gas from anus is mostly related with the food that we eat or with the kind of bacteria that we have in our intestines. M F Alam (, Pingback: Top Homeopathic Medicines for Treating Sciatica Social Healer, Pingback: 5 meilleurs mdicaments homopathiques pour les maux de dos, Write To Dr. Sharma and get a reply on how Homeopathy can help you. There are number of pathological conditions which can cause backache. A Case of Lumbar Pain Illustrating That We Treat the Cause, Not the Result of Disease by Ajay Aserkar, My Experience in a Case of Lumbar Spondylosis with Homoeopathy: Evidence Based Case Study by Seema Rai, Sclerosis of Unilateral Sacroiliac Joint in a Woman of 27 by Vitan Gosain, A Case of Acute Pancreatitis by Dr.Jitesh Sharma, Calf Pain in a Woman of 34 by Navnit Vachhani. i could learn more about this disease. Human chorionic gonadotropin BHMS, M.D. 4. The spine is very tender and sensitive to touch in such cases where Hypericum has shown best results. Carbo Veg - Top-Listed Medicine For Gas Carbo Veg is a natural medicine recommended for excessive gas, suitable for nearly every symptom associated with gas, for example, bloating, belching, flatulence and pain. Chinais a useful remedy prepared from Peruvian dried bark. They are no doubt considered to be natural and safe for consumption by in fact all age groups. The symptoms for use of Guaiacum Officinale are stiffness in the cervical back and shoulders, aching pain in the neck. This sensitivity causes even little gas formation to give the impression of excessive bloating of abdomen. For gas problem, the most recommended is 30C potency which can be used two to three times a day as per the severity of gas problem. Back pain, when felt in the neck, may radiate down the arms and hands. Aesculus Hippocastanum is a major medicine for back pain affecting the sacrum region. 1. Top of the page Dosage best homeopathy clinics in Hyderabad, best homeopathic treatment in Hyderabad can do wonders. It works well and alleviates the cramping. She is the Director of Asha Homeopathy Medical Center, Jaipur's leading clinic for homeopathy treatment and has been practicing since 2004. Paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine. It is useful as the back pain gets better with hard pressure. CPT = MRI LUMBAR SPINE WITHOUT CONTRAST Degenerative disc disease refers to damage, dryness or breakage of the intervertebral disc mainly because of age-related wear and tear or from injury. People with neck pain extending to the arms and feeling intense neck pain with neck or arm movements can get benefitted from Hypericum. Stiffness in the whole spine; single vertebrae sensitive to heat; shooting pain. please give me some medicine name. Sepia is a very frequently indicated homeopathic medicine in the back pains which are due to uterine disease. The pain can vary from sharp, shooting, lightning-like or cramping in nature. Weakness in the legs can be felt. Rhus Tox - Best Remedy for Back Pain. Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines mentioned including services , mentioned at should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. Though it can be used in low potencies like 30C to high potencies (like 200C, 1M), initially it is advised to go with low potencies. Acute lower back pain persists for less than 40-45 days, while chronic lower back pain persists over three months and in-between of these two, pain can be defined as sub acute pain. 9322289495 She has studied with Prof. George Vithoulkas at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. Thanks. Nat Phos may not work for other causes. HISTORY = Right leg numbness. Lumbago worse on beginning to move and relieved by continued motion. They are natural and therefore, safe for consumption by all age groups. Excessive salivation also leads to increase in the swallowing of air. Homeopathic practitioners use it in different potencies from low to high. Homeopathic medicine for chronic backache or lumbago, worse by constant motion; better by taking rest; pain in back along with sensation of numbness; lumber region is mainly affected; weight in pelvis. back pain of Rhus is better from pressure, but worse in bed. Injury to the back Injury to the disc can play a major role in such complaints. Bryonia Alba helps treat back pain and is considered to be the best medicine for worsening back pain due occurring due to motion. farhat shakil. Alumen - For Dry Hard Stool. Homeopathic treatment of gas pain Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. Benefecial for eveyone mainly for students like me, thanks for very necessary article; now a days it is very common problem at most 60% of people suffering from back pain. Lumbosacral backache, pain goes down the back to the legs. Copyright 2022 TraceGains, Inc. All rights reserved. My wife had D12 feature in spine from a fall six months back . Homeopathic medicine for middle back pain. Conus terminates at its expected position. Homeopathic medicines for epigastric pain - DrHomeo Homeopathy Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873 . Sudden pain in the back, as if struck by a hammer. Although homeopathic substances listed in this article are generally not known to cause serious side effects, their effectiveness has not been demonstrated by scientific research. Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . From United States and Canada call Backache due to sprain; after over lifting or stretching; muscular soreness; from getting wet in rains. A burning sensation in the abdomen, stomach pain, and intense nausea may also be present. 4 You can also use it to prevent these symptoms. Flatulence is generally produced when undigested food is acted upon by bacteriain the large intestine. Homeopathic Medicines for Back Pain Some medicines that are effective in back pain treatment are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Kali Carb, Arnica Montana, and Hypericum Perforatum. One does, Respected sir/madam, Hoping everyone fine. Note:The above homeopathy medicines are just an indicator for homeopathy treatment for back pain. The Rhus patient likes to lie on sometime hard. Women feel the need to lie down to get relief from the pain which may radiate to the upper back or down to the thigh and hips. Your email address will not be published. Consumers should check labels carefully, since a homeopathic product that is not diluted, or not diluted enough, may contain ingredients that cause allergic reactions, side effects, or interactions. sir 32 .. .. 24 , .. It does offer a wide range of highly effective remedies and those who go in for homeopathy can try them out for relief. It may be of muscle, bone, joint or nerve origin. Pain in the very low back (the sacral or sacroiliac areas) that feels worse when standing up from a sitting position, and worse from stooping, may be eased with this remedy. Its so severe that I am unable to walk. In my clinical practice, Bryonia has shown marvellous results in lower back pain that worsens with the slightest of motion. Use of Lycopodium is suggested when gas and bloating appear immediately after eating. When the digestive system is not able to digest certain carbohydrates (like sugar starches and fiber found in many foods) due to shortage or absence of certain enzymes, these undigested carbohydrates (when they reach large intestine) are broken down by harmless bacteria to produce gas (carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane). Login | About | Terms | Privacy | Disclaimer | Copyright | Contact, Copyright 2023. It is also indicated when any thing (even the simplest of food) eaten seems to get converted into gas. Hypericum - This homeopathic medicine for neck pain best treats neck stiffness due to whiplash injury. I could make out, entrapped gas get compressed on bending & cause slip disc . REPORT = Sagittal and axial T1 and T2W sequences have been acquired through the lumbar spine. No addictive tendencies: Homeopathy relies on frequent microdoses instead of a single large dose which have no addictive properties or side effects when taken regularly over time as prescribed by your physician or practitioner. So once a month for 2 to 5 days, i suffer lower back pain especially on the right side. The Best Inversion Tables of 2023 And 6 Amazing Benefits of Their Use. Worse with standing or stooping, vacuuming/mopping. I have pain in my left knee to toe, in the middle I have severe pain, when I want to walk I have sharp pain, problem in walking, I had four time knee replacement, because I broke the knee four times, now after fourth operatuion more than 18 months i have terrible pain, unable to walk long distance. what I do, whos food and homeopathic Medicine take or don't take. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321 10 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Epigastric Pain By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 1 Comment If it is so please let me know from where I can get it. Backache due to living in damp basements or house; pain in the small of back; as after long stooping; pain along with stiffness of the back. vbagaria04@gmail,com, Dear Sir, Homeopathic medicine for backache in the lower region of back due to constipation and piles; backache or lumbago due to over exertion; pain in back as if back would break; aggravated by walking and stooping; bruised pain in sacrum and hips; back and legs give out; patient feels better by standing. Persons suffering from back pain as a result of exertion or lifting heavy weights have found complete relief when prescribed Rhus Tox, making it one of the most reliable Homeopathic medicines for back pain. Physiotherapy is often helpful in cases of chronic lumbago. Sticking to a regular exercise routine can also help prevent future gas buildup. This is called Sciatica and occurs due to a pinched nerve in back resulting from a slip disc or intervertebral disc compression. Hello Dr. Sharma. Rarely a surgery is needed. Pain usually is worse night, and the person may have to sit up in bed to turn over. Homeopathy for Gonorrhea. I would rank Kali Carb as one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for back pain that arises after childbirth. Gas pain refers to pain or feeling of discomfort that causes due to excessive accumulation of gas in digestive tract especially when person is not able to pass the gas. Homeopathic is a great alternative compared to allopathic medicines because it has no side . Lumbago worse on beginning to move and relieved by continued motion. Please advise me the best treatment. She writes for about homeopathic medicines and their therapeutic indications and homeopathy treatment in various diseases. Homeopathic medicines must be customized to the individual patient in chronic conditions. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. Bryonia Alba For Pain that Worsens with Motion. Back pain radiates Diagnosis of lumber radiculopathy with disc bulge at L3, L4, S1. It can be beneficial when depression is an associated symptom of muscle pains. It is more suitable to the chronic forms of lumbago, often times give prompt relief. What to Do for Immediate Back Pain Relief? A person who needs this remedy typically is talkative and energetic, becoming agitated or depressed when ill. Better with heat For example, compression of the lumber nerve restricts the upward movement of the big toe. Gas pain refers to pain or feeling of discomfort that causes due to excessive accumulation of gas in digestive tract especially when person is not able to pass the gas. This homeopathy remedy has quite a clinical reputation for curing back pain, and especially the back pain due to spinal irritation. Best Regards Burning sensation in the spine is another feature that may attend. This remedy is often indicated when a person with back pain has a slouching posture. We usually suffer from gas problem which is harmless but can be very disturbing, uncomfortable and incapacitating. The most prominent symptoms indicative of Kali Carb as the best suited Homeopathic medicines for back pain in such instances are stiffness and weakness in the lower back. Gastritis, Constipation, Vomiting. On the X-ray it shows pelvis misalignment right side up then left and disc degeneration in the back. Call us on 88859 20000, 80744 98276, 90009 46000. Required fields are marked *. what would you recommend for occipital neuralgia, diagnosed by Doctor? The injured person may feel a weakness in the lower back. Back pain is one of the most common ailments prevalent today, factors such as modern life-style, sedentary working conditions, or patterns associated with emotional stress and strains, which bring about spasm of the muscles, and causes backache. Natrum carbonicum This remedy can be helpful to mild people who have trouble digesting and assimilating many foods and have to stay on restricted diets. The spine feels sensitive, and there is pain especially in the back, neck and shoulders. Bryonia Alba is another majorly indicated medicine for treating back pain. My backache gets triggered while bending or lifting something. Persons feeling a weakness, numbness or tingling sensation in the arms and hands along with neck pain also recover fully well with use of Homeopathic medicine Kalmia. These are: Arthritis It as one of the most common causes of backache, backache due to arthritis can be felt anywhere in the back, and usually aggravates by movement. Luxatives excessive use of laxative drugs may also lead to gas formation lead to pain. Hpathy Medical Publishers. Nux vomica is an effective medicine for epigastric pain. Homeopathic Medicine for Back Pain - Schwabe India Back pain is one of the most common issue faced by people in their day to day life . I am feeling pain in nape cervical and lower waist position. This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back, when the pain is worse on initial movement and improves with continued motion. They are no doubt considered to be natural and safe for consumption by in fact all age groups. Bryonia Alba helps treat severe back pain caused due to stooping and standing. Abdomen distension it is the most common symptom associate with gas complaints. While standing lower back pain and numbness starts within 5 minutes then standing and walking becomes difficult .I have to sit for some minutes to become normal. Can you help me.i will be highly obliged. Diagnosis can be made on the basis of cause of gas pain. Thank you in anticipation of your help. If I miss my morning yoga, then I become more prone to this pain. Harder when switching from laying down to seated positions. Also taking a depression medication due to frustration from the stubborn pain. Bending forward often ameliorates. In celiac disease, eatinggluten(a protein found in wheat, rye, barley)triggers an immune reaction in small intestine leading to damage of the lining of small intestine with the passage of time and hampers nutrient absorption. Pain in the left upper back,arm,and finger,unable to rise hand and unable to sleep due to tremendous pain. When I am sitting and stand up, and start to walk pain start. Just an anecdote, may not be applicable to any one else, & other causes. I am suffering from chronic back pain problem which I treat with homeopathy, but it is recurrent and I suffer due the recurrent spells. Where these symptoms exist, Kali Carb comes highly recommended as one of the best Homeopathic medicines for back pain. Regarding my ill health I am to say that since 2014 am suffering from buldge disc ( L3-L5) discs level. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. The top grade Homeopathic medicines for lower back pain are Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Aesculus and Kali Carb. Pain in shoulders, arms and fingers of hands. Rhus Tox is effective for curing back pain. 37 5 , 1 , Lately I have developed a severe lower back pain that is radiating downward in my left leg/limb what should I take and the address from where I may purchase in Dallas Texas area. It can be taken two or three times a day in a gap of three to four hours to get relief. Phosphorus is indicated where prolonged sitting leads to back pain. The problem seems to get worse upon lying down. Physiotherapy does play an important role in managing back pain, but to completely cure back pain. In cervical area C3-C7 also same problem and at one disc level osetiophytosis. Muscle strain refers to overstretching of muscle arising from overuse, fatigue or lifting heavy weights. Back pain due to gas: if you are suffering bloating or flatulence caused by excessive build up of gas, then the patient may feel the pain radiating to lower back. Metastasis cancer may spread to the bones like breast cancer, lung cancer and causes back pain. The problem is that my when I sleep or sit for long hours the lower back gets stiffened resulting in lower back pain. Homeopathic medicines are sourced from natural substances that treat gas problems naturally without any side effects. Can renal cyst cause lower back pain? You are doing great work in promoting homeopathy! Back pain that improves from lying on something hard or pressing a hard object (such as a block or book) against the painful area suggests a need for this remedy. The upper, middle or lower back may be affected. Homeopathy is popular for treating back pain such as disc complaints, arthritis, injuries or muscle strain. Pain from the lower back may radiate down the lower limbs. Went back to homeopathic prescriber again and was given staphisagria. Severe pain in upper and lower back, thighs,legs, fingers and painful nails. 703-659-0873. I am in my fifties and have chronic low back pain (mainly sacrum and thoracic regions) as a result of degenerative spine and possible injury to coccyx region during a snow tubing accident several years ago. Ive tried basically everything for my back pain, but I havent heard of many of those homeopathic treatments. Aching and stiffness are aggravated in cold damp weather and relieved by warm applications, baths or showers, and massage. Good approach, it makes any to understand homeopathy well. Hypericum is useful for the unbearable prickly pain that radiates along nerve pathways, is worse with movement, and worse when touched. Context: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of chronic low-back pain (CLBP) and can be managed with drug therapy and physiotherapy. Homeopathic medicines are very powerful and effective in treating back pain. It helps cure problems of back such as muscle strain caused due to overstraining or . Can any homeopath suggest me single homeopathic treatment ? Over exertion Mechanical cause includes abnormal posture, injury or trauma, heavy lifting. lameness in back; spine region feels weak. Severe spinal stenosis for years. Back gives out during pregnancy, prolapsus, leucorrhoea; when walking or stooping; must sit or lie down. Sir,i am sushma..i am 24 year old..i am suffering from severe spinal n lowerbackpain from 8 months..i have used many medicines..but no result..the pain mainly occurs while sitting n will not occur during walking r doing any excercise..mri reports said..spondylolysis with spondylolysthesis..can u help me over this, ankylosing spondylitis asculus rhus tox calmia , Sir back pain last 4 years alopathy medicine nucoxia 120-saaz DS &supracal Persons needing Arnica Montana have sore, bruised pain in the back as after being beaten. Homeopathy, with its plethora of medicines, serves as a better alternative as compared to its allopathic counterpart in curing back pain permanently, both acute as well as chronic. Pain felt anywhere between the cervical to coccyx region along the back is referred to as back pain. The lower back feels as if it would break. MRI is almost normal except some Is changed in cervical area and lower back. The symptoms that can be treated by Hypericum Perforatum are pain in the back with extreme sensitivity which does make it impossible to walk or stoop. The pain will feel better from lying on a hard surface, resting, and when the lower back is rubbed. Carbo Vegis a natural medicine recommended for excessive gas, suitable for nearly every symptom associated with gas, for example, bloating, belching, flatulence and pain. Homeopathy remedies are there for severe back pain. For years would have excruciating pain in lower back that would cause immobility for about 2 weeks and then gradually go away just to reappear 6 months later. Hydrogen sulphide is responsible for the odour of the flatus. However, bowel/bladder incontinence or progressive weakness in legs together with back pain needs urgent attention as it may be an indication of the cauda equina syndrome, which is an emergency condition. Also, in cases where the back pain gets better with hard pressure, Rhus Tox is the appropriate choice of medicine. But Nat Phos 12X works for me . now the pain is capturing my left leg from back. However, in cases where the cervical pain radiates down the arm or hands, Kalmia has proved to be one of the most helpful Homeopathic medicines for back pain treatment. My MRI report read as under: Pains, stitching, darting, worse during rest and lying on affected side. 4. Backache and weakness after abortion, labor or profuse menses; while walking feels as if she must give up and lie down. Orthopaedic treatment showed no relief. It is a general weakness in the small of the back when walking, and is worse while sitting. Stiffness or excessive weakness in the back may also attend the pain. last 2 month I feel pain my Thoracic T4-T10. There are so many people who suffer from postural problems! While prescribing Homeopathic medicines for back pain, the cause and aggravating factors are studied in detail in each case. Improving overall health: Homeopathic remedies can relieve pain while targeting a wider range of physical ailments, promoting general well-being and improving overall health. Am seeing a pain management doctor now, taking 4 pain medications which do not quite control the pain. For gas in lower abdomen also, Lycopodium can be used. The pain is very sharp and intense. For back pain in women after childbirth, Kali Carb is considered to be very effective. Also taking a depression medication due to motion feature that may attend that my when I am unable sleep. Best medicine for neck pain extending to the chronic forms of lumbago, often times give prompt relief sensitive! Medicines for back pain in the swallowing of air Director of Asha homeopathy Medical Center, Jaipur 's clinic... Are stiffness in the back, thighs, legs, fingers and painful nails an,! 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