Kara approaches, staring with wide eyes, wanting so desperately to hug the woman who gave her a start. I missed you so much, she cries, tears rolling down her cheek and over Cats shoulder. We went there first, then tracked your location here. To sort out my feelings. That was his voice. Kara shakes her head, trying to sit up again but Alex pushes her down. She had expected this day would eventually come. In his mind, he was saving it, too., Kara shits her weight, leaning a hip against the conference table. Shes been gone, and Supergirl is the one apologizing instead. Are you gonna try to kill me? She had accepted her fate. And when we were on Argo, and we had that Whatever it was, all I was doing was trying to stop myself from kissing you. Kara raises her wrist to her eyes, looking at the time. How can you live with yourself?, Kara gasps, a sob escaping her lips. Its been a while, hasnt it?, Arent you supposed to be dead? The Luthor brother simply shrugs his shoulders. Okay, Lena, and I get that. Hundreds of wires spew out of the back of them, running along the floor under a door that lets a stream of light in. She couldnt lie to her. :p, The original story is contained in Chapters 2 - 10. Of course, he thought it would happen sooner than this, but she would still return. Kara takes her reluctance as a yes. Strong, sweet, smart. But the only reason I chose not to over Maalafaaks abilities was because Kara made me realize what I was actually doing. Reporters speak, and the sounds of clicks rapidly expand throughout their audience. By saying it, it brings an image of him to her mind. Lena opens her mouth to respond but she has no words. His hands rest on her hips, tracing her sides up and down. The next she was shoved so hard into the wall the drywall broke and she was embedded in the plaster. Youre not! Why? Kara asks, her voice weakening. I dont think Ill ever get used to seeing that, Alex says, watching her suit. She stands, making sure her hands are always in sight and opens the bag. When she is finished, her captor looks over her shoulder, reading. Lying to herself that this was not herreal Lena, that this wasnt the truth. She and I we separated.. Kara yawns, groaning. See, before my beloved sister shot me in the chest, I revealed to her all the secret footage I found of you. The work of Supergirl was not done. I havent seen him around., Yeah? Mon-El goes to safety but Kara stays on the spacecraft. Yes. The doorknob twists and he jumps. Kara is the only person who has loved me more than I have loved others. She stares at him impatiently. I dont think I ever will with anyone else.. But she knew that the Luthor now believed she didnt have any. For once, Im telling you the truth. Lena almost committed an act of terrorism today, something she wouldnt have been able to come back from if she succeeded. Seeing your face. Maybe Im just like him. She finds it around a bend, just out of sight from the others and shadowed enough for privacy. But while they were learning, Mon-El was struggling. So its about satisfaction with you? She doesnt understand.. Neither Luthor hears her. You didnt have time to react. She cant pose a threat. This place wasnt a battle. Itll ruin you. And, why did Kara give him an empty bottle of cologne? Lena was a Luthor at heart. Forever.. Trust me, I do. You scared me today. She would be jailed with nothing to show for it. Lena understood, and she looked over to find her friend already staring at her. When Kara returned to create the broadcast I spoke with her, too.. I wouldnt be Mr. Mxyzptlk if I told you, now would I? A brilliant light brightens the room appearing from the little balcony of the Tower. He can make his own decisions. We had just started becoming friends. I did, yes. Immediately, she picks up her leg, hopping over to the monitors. The girl sends her a mischievous glare and says A wise woman once told me I shouldnt be making conversation with a stranger much less tell them my name. she finishes in a teasing tone. I missed that.. I took a girl to a dog show once. I was doing hospital visits to children with cancer, illness, who were injured, and I could hear their heartbeats. Lena lurks in the shadows in the alley beside the DEO, a specially enhanced pistol in her hand loaded with a poison Kryptonite bullet. "I mean Mike." Kara shakes her head no, and he quickly corrects. Take it away. Lex grins, handing the gun to Lena. Her fingers fold over it, her hand clenched in a tight fist. We all did. He smiles at her weakly. They sway together. It was nice to see herself as a regular person. She spins him to her, his chest pressing into her and faces inches apart. Kara can only watch him for so long before she gets too lost in his eyes, but she lets it happen. I see it as someone who will eventually get what they want, no matter what stands in their way. A salty tear drifts down her cheek and she rests her head against the door crying. Alex is quiet for a moment, sipping her wine generously. I dont want to leave you like this.. Where is he?, Lex sighs, then extends an arm down a hall. All she can do is nod. Youre free., Kara raises her eyebrows at him with great force. Come in.. An apology isnt going to make the pain go away. Her eyes move to the door, then the lone wine glass on the shelf, then to Williams gaze watching her. I can try, but I can never make those sort of promises. Lena nods and Kara begins to step away but turns back to her. She had truly never met someone like Kate Kane before, and her presence was fascinating to her. I will tell her to stay in the sky and watch the borders. Kara raises her hands and points up, laughing nervously. Her face is tight, strained and the veins in her neck protrude so much Mon-El can see her pulse. Directly in front of Lena, Kara watches as an old man with a cane hobbles closer to the stage, pushing people out of the way slowly. She kept Sam Arias locked in a subbasement at L-Corp, knowing that she was Reign, and she said nothing. She was content with this death. Into his eyes, his heart. Kara slowly turns her head to Mon-El, gripping his hands tighter. But so would everyone I care about., Lena shuts her eyes, tears streaming from them. Mend things. Havent had a bad date?. That Im the one who snuffed your light? A few weeks ago, actually.. Karas body goes slack, falling into the couch defeatedly. Lena was wide awake, a heavy weapon in her hand as she stands above Kara. And that was how Lena saw it, nothing more, nothing less. Well, Im going to handle the prisoner. There certainly have been a few instances where I needed guidance but being Jonns right hand allowed me to make the correct decisions when it came down to it, Alex answer honestly. It's my first fan fic ever. Almost. Its me! Because she knows when she does, she will have her answer. Today was difficult, for everyone. She sits down on the chair in front of her, not letting her eyes drop. Wheres your ring?, I took it off before I came here. You need to work it out as Lena and Kara. Gingerly, she touches it, then recoils instantly as the metal sears her hand. You like yourself like this, more now than when you were younger. The plan. Mon-El One where he does not love her anymore. And I cant blame her for that one, Kara says, stroking Jonathons head. I mean, youd love it. She puts her hands out to calm her, trying to ground herself and stop her legs from shaking. She pauses, listening, and a thump on her front door makes her flinch. Meeting someone who makes me feel welcome is always helpful, but meeting someone like you made me feel like I belonged. This isnt how Supergirl dies., But it is how Kara Danvers does, Kara says weakly. Lex? Lena asks, shutting the door and setting down her purse, walking into her dining room. Always let the good things people say about you go to your head. Perhaps its the alcohol in her system, or maybe its a feeling resurrected by Kara comforting her, but instead of growling at Kara to go away, leave her alone, she embraces her. Its Lena. If he did, hed look weak. Your lies and betrayal shot a hole through my chest, through my heart, and you need to feel that same pain.. I urge all of you to contact your families and loved ones and connect to make sure they are not harmed. Im here, her sister soothes, getting down on a knee and scooping her up. But Kara definitely will., That afternoon, James suits up and walks with Kara towards the stage outside of L-Corp. Lena hugs her hello and nods at James who returns it. Im patient.. The hero of National City had landed on her balcony for the first time in a week. Shes my best friend. Kara is Supergirl. What do you mean, visited? Alex asks. Kara inhales sharply at the sudden sound of her. Kate finds this the perfect opportunity to ask Kara about her past. Kara had offered Kate to follow her back to Earth 38 to learn more about being a hero. Thats all I asked for.. Lena cries out, wailing with regret as her hands cover her eyes. Why?, I dont know. She could just be Kara with him. But she can get her moving. But he was there. Hes lucky I took him back after all that.. Supergirl, its been so long.. How had her friend become so good at lying? In order for me to write an article, however, Im going to need to know what Im writing about., L-Corp is releasing a controversial product in a few days, as you know.. I knew what I was getting myself into. Lena almost laughs, putting the button back in her pocket and shaking Myriad as a reminder of why she was here. He had vowed long ago that hed never lie. I know you did. I cant believe it either. Im here. Weve basically just become a filing system with a nice firing range.. Because Kara is already here, Jonn answers softly. All covered in grime, sand, and rust, the weapons nearly fell apart in the aliens hands as they hunted them. The handle to her balcony doors was already turning. There is a pain in my chest, in my heart, because it is so full of her I can hardly call it my own., Alexs eyebrows raise lazily and she sips her beer. And he needs to tell her, he needs to tell both of them, but he needs to know how Kara is dealing first. She could hardly imagine barely seeing her niece, nonetheless never visiting. There is a laugh in the kitchen and it causes Kara to glance up. I maybe the biggest mistake of my life, but please, Lena, please dont leave the Fortress with Myriad. Writing barely legibly, she scratches on the paper rushed. She cocks her head, thinking. Their jobs no longer revolved around manning the DEO, it was bringing their hero back to them. They were okay with her not with them anymore. She sighs, beginning. She watches her a moment, then narrows her eyes. Her own brother, Alex. The woman who showed her sister how to be herself, who taught her how to demand what she wanted. I did nothing and youre the one who got shot. Troubles Performing?, Kara laughs out loud, throwing her head back and cackling. Alex lets her go, standing and wrapping tight fingers around her bicep. She stretches out her legs, crossing her ankles. Kate tilts her head, her mask-free face able to sweat easily without the leather that sealed it to her skin. Do you know what its like to die over and over again? Kara whimpers, speaking softly. Occasional: manhandling, mild slurs. Writing puff pieces has its advantages.. She looks at his bedside table. She will be on her own. Snot and spit and tears have mixed on her face which makes her glisten in the burning light of the fires surrounding them. Hes done it once before., Then the next time it can be. Feel what I felt., Kara nods, definitely feeling the pain. Kara looks up, searching the scene. But its what has to be done. AU Mon-El awakens after escaping Daxam to find himself fighting for his life on a world where aliens battle in a gladiator-like arena as spectators watch and bet on the matches. Mxy? Kara gasps, brow furrowing in deep confusion. Shes talked with you about me, right? What did she do wrong? Forgive me, please. And I was standing there the entire time. Did you ever finish reading it? He shakes his head. He wants to tell Imra and deal with the Legion himself. Now, her eyes remain closed so she doesnt have to see the world for the last time in black and white. And yet, Alex had just taken down National Citys hero with a single Kryptonite dart. She slips out the door, her face growing red with embarrassment and lust. You do not lose. Alex flinches. I had opened my mouth and was telling you, but you had cut me off and told me that youve already had enough heartache in your life. Will you ever send the file?, Yes, Lena responds to her AI. She knew Alex obeyed the rules, but she didnt think she would follow them this closely. You are my weapon. You need to get to National City Bridge right now. Im sorry.. Sent him off in a Kryptonian pod after killing our emissary trying to escape. I told her., Ah, but not before I beat you to it. The dispose of their litter, Kara grabbing her clutch from the picnic table and William snatching her heels before she can lay a hand on them. Kara Zor-El I dont think Id ever tell her to her face, but from how she described the whole situation, this Lena woman kinda sounds like a bitch. A blanket is pulled over her, and her eyes are glued to the TV that displays the news. You will never be betrayed again. Lena sucks in a deep breath, her finger tightening on the trigger. The man sighs, closing his eyes and nodding. He hesitates, then starts with, How is she?, Alex narrows her eyes at him. Nah, Ill leave the nightcap for the second date, he smiles, watching her closely. But fine, go. Being stuck in that pod for days with just her thoughts was nauseating. She pulls up a voice recorder, hits play, and sits down in front of her, pen and pad at the ready. Cross posted on Fanfiction.net, now caught up. I think tonight Im just hyper-aware because Im with a woman I like. She sounds broken. But Lena answered. That wasnt true. I dont know. Not too many items are in this one, he didnt come to Earth with anything anyway. And her prized possession, this company, is secretly crumbling., Mxy nods. I just wanted to stop by, see how youre doing, Kara says as Lena pulls away, leading her to the chair in front of her desk. Alex wouldnt do that. Maybe for Kara to speak or fly away or anything. Supergirl? Cat counters, raising her eyebrows. The dim lights and soft rocking of the bus soothe the remaining nerves Kara had, allowing her to cross her legs and lean back. Lena had seen Lexs complete lack of trust and chose to emulate him. A certain someone. Like he was right there in front of me. I know you are the one who stitched me up. Kara, Mon-El, and the Legion stand in front of the hundred DEO agents awaiting their demonstration. I really wish it was. At least if she killed her, the blame could be on Lex. Kara and Mon-El are both silent, staring at each other. She made sure we were safe. And if she told the truth, what would it do other than show her that she was human? But that light is soon snuffed by the dark. She had just blocked it from her mind so she didnt have to think about it ever again. She returns to the couch begrudgingly, handing Alex the glass and sitting in the chair opposite from her. Alex? I need to be alone for a while, he says looking down, still thinking of Kara. "Okay, I'll leave you here for a while. She takes a step away from him, knowing what she is about to say next will cause her to do something she wont want to regret. Say we go back to being friends. But Kara, her betrayal physically hurt. Alright, maybe Fred isn't that bad. What you do affects everyone in your atmosphere. But Im the one who put you here, Im the one who got you on the stage and put you in harms way. Then I met you. Go back to the DEO, Supergirl, Alex orders, watching her sway. When do you have to get going?, Kara sighs, looking over at her packed bag by the door. She opens her eyes and stares right into Karas. Alex rushes over to her side, holding her down. Youll be okay. Sam, Lena, even brought in Winn for help. Landslide is an autobot who crash landed on the strange world of Remnant seven years ago and has been placed in charge of guarding and protecting his "little sister" Velvet while she attends Beacon Academy. Shes an important asset for cases involving aliens or major threats regular humans couldnt compete with. He also explained that having Supergirl on the DEOs side is a higher priority than learning her identity and fighting against her. You will help those in need and you will not get down on yourself. After tears are shed and space pods left the earth atmosphere, a wormhole opened up with Mon-El's pod going into it. but he knows better than to say them now, at least not yet. So youre just going to leave? Somehow, she feared to say it would conjure him up, send a signal to him that she was talking about him. Kara doesnt know how to say it, so she just blurts, Mon-El and I kissed! She covers her mouth with her hands. Yeah, why?. I was supposed to hurt Supergirl, not kill her., Kara stares daggers at him, eyes narrowed. Still a part of them. Another is on his side and a final one in his chest. Are you all right? But now, several months later, her patience is wearing thin. The numbers are a little off this year and were trying to find a solution., Oh, that sounds serious, Kara says, standing up next to her. The t-shirt with holes at the hem hed tug while she slept. Ever since he showed it on her finger it had been the question in the back of her mind. Well, that fact runs in the family. Lena? Kara asks, turning around when her friend makes no sound. After Winn returns back to the future, someone from Kara's past whom she thought that she was totally and completely over returns back into her life. I dont know, I guess. She wanted him, he knew. Read to find out what happens next. You got me. Well? He asks. I still need to clear my name. She was smiling dreamily upon him, cradling him lovingly. 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