General Category. Unless I have bedbugs inside my skin jeez I think just triggered one of my phobias! Her health has completely gone so down that she cannot be out of her bed for long periods of time without getting dizzy and stabbing pains in her head. New laws are aimed at curbing vaping among teens. I have been vaping for almost a year now. Well after a few days I noticed that my finger was sore and just figured it was cause I never wore a ring before. Have you noticed any improvement on your rash? from my mix to see if that helps before giving up on it all together. I noticed if I get it on one leg the other leg is almost the same, also arms etc, my skin on 100% of my body is dry and looks like 80 year old skin, if you look closely its all scaly and wrinkled, everywhere! My head is clearing up and the elephant that has been living on my chest isnt so bad today. Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders Drug Targets. Explore lung, breathing and allergy disorders, treatments, tests . Definately a poisen for me. I wake with a massive swollen tongue and its pretty scary. I mean real burn, like eating a hot pepper.that kind of burn (it wont go away though). I believe analogues have more than 18 mg., depending on the brand. Ive had exactly the same symptoms your sister had. I think he was referring to the stuff coming out of China, like Dekang. These people may include bartenders, people who work in certain food industries and domestic cleaners. A big red bite appeared under my armpit! A well thought out answer that makes sense!!! The vaping co-workers eyes are always red and waterythis isnt a good sign. from exercise. Wish you all luck in your search for relief. Those folks could develop a rash from exposure. MAYBE BY PEOPLE DOING THIS, WE CAN GET WHATEVER IT IS *OFF THE MARKET*. I was diagnosed with hives by a dermatologist. Following a series of comments by readers who suspect they might be allergic to the propylene glycol in e-liquid, I decided to write a short post on allergies caused by e-cigarette use and their symptoms. yet? Ive had this weird side effect happen to me twice now in the past few months! Ok I have a question for all you Vaping Guru's. I have an allergy to Nickel and found this out the hard way. I feel so much better. I had shortness of breath, feelings of nausea, phlegm in my throat causing coughing, dizziness, etc. E cigs seriously need to be regulated. Funnily enough no, I found another one that worked. Unlike immediate hypersensitivities (such as pollen, insect venom and most food allergies), the reaction in delayed type hypersensitivity occurs some time after exposure. I have mainly the red blotches all over my body from excessive gaping, I vape all day non stop. But these devices can expose users to toxic metals such as arsenic, chromium, nickel, and lead, noted Ana Mara Rule, Ph.D., from Johns Hopkins University, during her Jan. 19 NIEHS Keystone Science Lecture.. An outbreak of lung injuries associated with e . Disappears in 6-7 hours of not vaping and starts within 10 minutes of 2-3 puffs. Could it be the entice on our fingers the. In my case, I had some itch spots on my forearms, but they vanished quickly after I stopped vaping. Nickel is a chemical that is widely used in utensils, jewelry . Taken me 6 months to work out what was wrong with me after lots of hospital visits. Dont trust that the manufacturers of the e-cigs you get, the ones from petrol stations or supermarkets wont change their product design or ingredients. Once you develop a nickel allergy, however, you'll always be sensitive to the metal and need to avoid contact. If you work in an occupation that constantly exposes you to nickel, your risk of developing an allergy may be higher than it is for someone who doesn't work with the metal. Dry mouth. It started with an unusual breakout on my right upper chest that was gradually moving over to the left chest. Now the final test is to stop vamping altogether and see if intact tis is the culprit.Hasten to add, I have never experienced eczema before. i mentioned this to my gp a few weeks back, their reply? Extracts? * WHAT STYLE YOU VAPED (STARTER, SUB OHM, DRIPPING. The rates have more than doubled in the past two years. I had the doc out 2 days ago and he said it looked like an allergic reaction. I found it interesting that so many people went through so many similar experiences. I have been using the e-cigs for just over a month. Quit smoking 1 month ago and started using an e-cig. I keep getting canker scores on my tong and in my mouth painful. Also, at the same time my hair started to get very oily just one day after shampoo .. looked like I bathed in baby oil! I stop smoking ecigs this year in janurary. Its like a YouTube thread. Raised, puss filled bumps that itch incessantly. I was vaping happily before with no problems and then wham, itching all over and its getting worse. Good luck to everyone, I really wish you all well and hope you find the will power. I have tried 50/50 zero mg to no avail. Also, PG is listed as one of the #1 ingredients in all inhalers but Ive never seen anyone on an inhaler have a reaction like this. I switched to e-cigs a year ago. Thats the best comment Ive seen so far. In our survey of over 1,000 vapers, the results roughly agreed with these researchers' findings. I wont try that again. Nickel allergy. Nickel allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis an itchy rash that appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substance. I dream of miracle doctors that solve my headache problem .. Started to get worried after a year. My sister has been vaping for over a year now and for the past year she has been suffering from chronic headaches non-stop its only on her left side and behind her ear. Went on antibiotics for 10 days. Doctors called it a bad case of atopic dermatitis. Thread starter Slurve; Start date Aug 10, 2015; Tagged users None Slurve. Stainless steel same thing, has Chrome. Soon after the pain came the extreme difficulty to take a normal size breath , it felt like I had been punched in the chest and the wind knocked out of me. I looked this up when I got home and it mentioned nicotine in the Wikipedia article. Ive been smoking and Ecig for 6 months now. Just happened at a coincidental time if I am honest. Please try Velvet Cloud organic liquids or similar. I suggest that you all switch to juul. Nickel allergy is a contact allergy (also referred to as type IV or delayed type hypersensitivity). I quit using my Ecig for a month and now its back. The best way to make sure propylene glycol is responsible for any of these symptoms, and at the same time solve the problem, is to switch to a 100% vegetable glycerin e-liquid, or at least one with a lower PG content. A very small proportion of the nickel-allergic population are hyper-sensitive. Ive been vaping for 2 years now and felt like **** ever since tired, VERY FOGGY and 0 motivation to do anything. These can include mouth ulcers, headaches, nausea, coughing, a skin eruption known as quit zits, sputum and phlegm, among others. Ya I have burning eyelids from the use of the electric cig. Now Im at work started vaping this morning and just got hit w/ this unbelievable tiredness, Ive never did hard core drugs before but Ive seen people nodd out and thats the way I feel! Ive experienced shortness of breathe many times I get kankor sores once a week glad to know Im not the only one with problems I think this will help me quit smoking for good. No such side effects besides living a cleaner healthier life. Since Im quitting today. However, if these treatments don't help, call your doctor. The burning disappears in my throat disappears when I stop vaping, but my gums remain sore. Pretty upset that I just invested $200 bucks on vape pen and dont know if I can use it anymore, I to am sad to say Im getting a load of symptoms from hot flushes to red hives on my shoulders back face tummy extreme tiredness numbing of the lips and general feeling of not right at all its devastating as was a vape enthusiast collector and hobbyist but think Im gna have to make a serious decision about this as its literally ruining my life right now. I will update with an answer after my appt. My eyes dont hurt anymore, headaches gone. So you prefer 4000 other chemicals in cigarettes as your preferred poison? I also had an allergic reaction a couple of years ago but couldnt figure out what I was allergic too until now. I put on rubbed some Hydrocortisone cream on it and its has stopped the itching. The rash feels tender to the touch or leaks fluid. I decided to switch to the Vise vapor CIG and within 8 hourhours of use had itchy bumps all over my face and itchy skin all oveover Ugh. I do like that it only took two days of using the eCig to quit smoking. For all of you who want to quit for good, check with your health insurance if you have it. The best thing you can do is stop using e-cigarettes for a couple of days and see if your general condition improves. E-cigarette liquids and vapors contain metals and metalloids at levels likely to be harmful to people's health, and people who vape have higher levels of these elements in their blood and other . So I have started to cut back down on my vaping and I found other ways of dealing with the stress, it has been three weeks now and I am down to 1.5 hours a day, and only 3 mg nic strength. It first appeared when I tried a strawberry-kiwi flavour, then it stopped when I was vaping other not so fruity flavours and then I got pomegranate-papaya with actually tastes quite similar to the strawberry one and it started all over again! Fingers crossed that the VG works, super paranoid about flaring up but at least I know the warning signs for round 2. Who knows whats in a lot of them? Interesting comments.. Have you done the maths to correlate amount of e liquid vaping per day compared to the nicotine intake from tobacco cigarettes? They certainly occur with many cases of nic poisoning. yes nicotine is poison in any form but it takes a lot to poison you its more than likely the pg that is the problem but if your vaping dont use more than 9 mg of nicotine and dont use more than 15 mil of juice in a day ! Not a problem until I got home and ordered some crap from 3 canadian companies! I smoked for 45 yrs and went cold turkey. Please convince her to stop Im 30 and felt 80 was on them for a year and was admitted to hospital with pain Some of these comments seem very questionable. Then smoked a few months till trying the ecigs. Dry patches that look like burn marks. My husband gave up smoking early January and switched to e-cigs. Worst experience of quitting ever, I never want to vape again to me its a toxic poison that took away from my life, in all honesty I hope the shit gets banned I wont care Ill never touch the crap again. I know I didnt do anything to injure. p.s. Ive noticed in the last 2 months, I have lots of bumps: on my neck, behind my ears and especially in my hair line on the back of my neck. The best plan of all is to not do it, at all I think. But I was almost certain that my condition had to do with vaping because I did not have any of the above symptoms before using the e-cig. Quit for real or smoke the real cigs. I ALSO FIND IT INTERESTING THAT I HAVE CAUGHT A LOT OF THESE COMMENTS USING QUESTIONABLE PHRASEOLOGY. Lots of phlegm. I had tight chess that made me feel I was out of oxigen. I havent broke out in rashes. I was enjoying vaping and decided to start using vg based liquids as people were reporting that allergies were.likely to be towards the pg liquid. Swollen shut with skin peeling off. No more health problems- allergies, systemic fungal skin infection. I hope others see what is clearly an issue here. Why only american? Now thinking this could be ecigs. Maybe, when the heating elements are activated, they are releasing metal vapours which, when inhaled, are causing some, many, or most of these reactions. It is non-stop and the pain greets me in the morning the moment I open my eyes and at night before bed it prevents me from relaxing and falling asleep like a normal human. And Im back to square one smoking cigarettes. Not the pg or vg. After the days of not vaping it disappeared all together so im wondering if i am allergic to them? In mild cases, they range from a sore throat tosinus problems, headaches, and even feelings of nausea, while in extreme cases PG can cause numbness of the face and tongue and itchy hives on the upper body. Seems to be same post over and over in this thread. My voice is very hoarse. Nickel allergy may lead to autoimmune disease. The old smoke till youre sick is no myth. Now they are on both sides and my face is breaking out as well. It needs to be taken seriously so that we can be honest and admit that their are some health issues that need to be dealt with and the conversation will push people into coming up with different safer chemicals that dont give you e cig poisoning. Been to an allergist and doc and no reasons to feel this way so it has to be the egics. Thought that was good. Any advise other than quitting all together? PG is most likely a candidate to an allergic reaction in some cases. Thats because you are poisoning yourself. I may try 100% vg if I can find it. Although higher percentages of PG are often reported to have a more drying effect on the mouth, it's not uncommon for 100% VG vapers to still experience it. I didnt start getting allergic reactions to ecig liquids. Surgical-grade stainless steel may contain some nickel, but it's generally considered hypoallergenic for most people. If you feel you need it in your mouth constantly, dont go for higher nicotine, go for something that can vapourise more at a lower strength. I thought it was insects, shampoo, detergent, MSG in beef jerky. Its turned me into a downright rottereveryday I wake up and smoke my vape and just shit the bed doing nothing. From extended exposure last night, I have not been able to eat today. This is common, as it is a side effect of nicotine, whether smoking or vaping. Your immune system's sensitivity to nickel may develop after your first exposure or after repeated or prolonged exposure. Burks AW, et al. Will post again soon. Thats what I thought, but I've never had a nickel allergy before, and apparently the old CE4's were nickel based coils, and I was fine with them, I have a fever too so I think I have a infection. its very intense? Ordered organic vg but after reading this thread am ditching it altogether. oh p.s. If I peel my clothes or the sheet off, I get chilled from the sweat. At some point I started noticing that my eyebrow muscle cramped up pretty badly into a little ball, or a big bump. You play you pay. I really wanted to be able to do this. After i quit felt so much relief after 3 days and continued to improve daily. my lips chin up the side of my face my ear killing me I got a slight fever I have had this now for a week every time I would vape burning and tingling and burning on my lips and chin especially . 70vg/30pg cuttwood flavor juice for about 1 year. I have tried both PG and VG and the reactions Im experiencing are phlem in the back of my throat, red itchy skin rash and severe wind in my stomach. I suspected it was the e-liquid so I looked on google and after reading this article Im now sure. If so how long did it take? around this time I did up to 18m Menthol? I sure do not want to go back to smoking real cigs but I cant handle feeling like I am going to drop every day. I began having symptoms almost 2 weeks ago. Started out with small hives and then developed angiooedema on every single part of my body. Thank you all for your posts. I have only been vaping for 5 days and thats enough for me. I contacted High Desert Vape talked to Jenniffer she knows her stuff she said Nature Flavoring is the only place she knows and trust to be organic flavoring. Night, i really wish you all luck in your search for.... Breathing and allergy disorders, treatments, tests is * OFF the MARKET * scores on my right upper that. Days of not vaping and starts within 10 minutes of 2-3 puffs 10, 2015 ; Tagged None! Sensitive to the stuff coming out of oxigen though ) in certain food industries and domestic cleaners now! Canadian companies an unusual breakout on my forearms, but they vanished quickly after i stopped.., however, you 'll always be sensitive to the stuff coming out China!, breathing and allergy disorders, treatments, tests rates have more than 18 mg., on... 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