Season 2, Episode 8 For their part, Russian authorities insist that this was merely a standard satellite launch, but wouldnt two cosmonauts know that if that were true? Caso Salyut 6, Cosmonautas Interagem com Extraterrestres em Estao Espacial. Earth Pictures. All of the cosmonauts claimed seeing the faces of seven angels who were hovering just outside the space station. They sported large wings and it looked like they had halos floating above their heads. Kovelanok would say of it to his control center at the time: On the right, at an angle of 30 degrees there is an object flying under us. UFOs, angels and other supernatural phenomena, which people may encounter in their lives, can only be a result of hallucinations, NASA specialists said. Salyut-7 84%14 rajong 245 szavazat Szerinted: IMDB 7.2 Oroszorszg 111" | Premier: 2017.09.21. All six astronauts reported seeing a smiling angel. The incident could be attributed to the the fatigue over a long space voyage, if it were only about the first crew. On the contrary, unlike the Czarist system that preceded it the Soviet system guaranteed freedom of religion (See Muhammed Alis 1978 visit to the USSR). This left both the explorers and the crew at mission control completely baffled. At this point they would witness probably the last thing they had expected to see out there. John Pratchett, an engineer of Hubble project, said that he had seen those creatures himself. This glowing UFO was filmed from ISS on Dec 16, 2012. There were two clouds, like smoke, that formed a barbell. This incident was deemed top secret by the old Soviet Union and the crew was cautioned not to speak of the event publicly. Originally launched in 1986, it was a low orbit station that was the first to actually be assembled in orbit, finally completed in 1996. Kovalenok would have another UFO encounter aboard the Salyut 6 in May of 1981, when he saw an object near the space station that seemed to be pulsating and moving erratically as it seemingly followed them. It is not ruled out that the giant hand phenomenon is behind many air crashes. The Soviet Union plans to let these three astronauts stay in the Salyut 7 space station for a few years. They were Oleg, Vladimir and Leonid. A Russian cosmonaut who spent six months living and working on board the Mir space station, said that he and his partner had had fantastic visions from time to time. How do we explain such reports as we have looked at here? Of course, it also had its share of strangeness reported by its crew. The USSR orbits its first space station Exposiciones. The documents are full of all sorts of strange encounters with UFOs, and one of these was allegedly experienced on June 17, 1978, by cosmonauts Vladimir Kovalenok and Alexander Ivanchenko. The Salyut 7 would end up staying in orbit for a total of 8 years and 10 months, which up until that time was the longest such a station had ever remained in continuous orbit. var p = 'https:' == document.location.protocol ? It underwent uncontrolled reentry with Kosmos 1686 on 7 February 1991, reentering over Argentina, scattering much of its debris over the town of Capitan Bermudez. Its overall structure and operational activities were very similar to Salyut 6. Dear Friend thank the clarification. : Intelligent Aliens Are Likely Machines. Eighteen . It was not artificial because an artificial object couldnt attain this form. Your email address will not be published. edit on 9-21-2014 by OrionsGem because: (no reason given). Engineers later determined that due to malfunction of one of . He caught the footage quite by accident, as he was filming the approach of an incoming cargo flight that was meant to dock with them, and it appears to show some sort of glimmering, almost cylindrical shaped object out in space. (1.3.2023), Victor Lewis Smith Smashing Things to Pieces! The photos depicted strange images including human-like winged silhouettes. Was There a Civilization on Earth Before Humans? Blinding Light In July 1984, Russian cosmonauts aboard the Soviet space station Salyut 7 were on day 155 of their mission. 7 Famous Swords From History And Mythology, Schumann Resonance: How To Tune Your Body To Earths Natural Frequency. A group hallucination was the only sensible explanation for what had happened. The last to be launched in the program and a precursor to the Mir space station, the Salyut 7 was the 10th space station ever put into orbit by mankind, and was designed to serve as a sort of test of a new system of modular space stations, which entailed the ability to attach new modules to expand the station or adapt it to whatever functions were required, as well as an outpost for various off-planet experiments. TOWERS OF MARS: Three mile-high buildings found in Pentagon says it has SOLVED a number of Moons Major Secret Revealed by China Alien Structures. Michael and Gabriel are the only two named in the canonical Bible. All Right Reserved. function ShopifyBuyInit(){var client=ShopifyBuy.buildClient({domain:'',apiKey:'e11854f25b38a3454f0dac2c0c1c8a92',appId:'6',});ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function(ui){ui.createComponent('product',{id:[11544685766],node:document.getElementById('product-component-21d63ed99b0'),moneyFormat:'%C2%A3%7B%7Bamount%7D%7D',options:{"product":{"buttonDestination":"modal","variantId":"all","contents":{"imgWithCarousel":false,"variantTitle":false,"options":false,"description":false,"buttonWithQuantity":false,"quantity":false},"text":{"button":"VIEW PRODUCT"},"styles":{"product":{"@media (min-width: 601px)":{"max-width":"calc(25% - 20px)","margin-left":"20px","margin-bottom":"50px"}},"button":{"background-color":"#4479bb",":hover":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"},":focus":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"}}}},"cart":{"contents":{"button":true},"styles":{"button":{"background-color":"#4479bb",":hover":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"},":focus":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"}},"footer":{"background-color":"#ffffff"}}},"modalProduct":{"contents":{"img":false,"imgWithCarousel":true,"variantTitle":false,"buttonWithQuantity":true,"button":false,"quantity":false},"styles":{"product":{"@media (min-width: 601px)":{"max-width":"100%","margin-left":"0px","margin-bottom":"0px"}},"button":{"background-color":"#4479bb",":hover":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"},":focus":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"}}}},"toggle":{"styles":{"toggle":{"background-color":"#4479bb",":hover":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"},":focus":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"}}}},"productSet":{"styles":{"products":{"@media (min-width: 601px)":{"margin-left":"-20px"}}}}}});});}})(); According to reports published in newspapers across the globe including, allegedly, the Washington Post, all of the cosmonauts claimed seeing the faces of seven angels who were hovering just outside the space station. Photo by NASA and here is the caption next to the photograph : STS115-318-026 (17 Sept. 2006) Backdropped by the blackness of space and Earths horizon, the International Space Station moves away from Space Shuttle Atlantis. })(document); Space Angels: What Did Russian Cosmonauts See Aboard The Saluyt 7? Would they tell us that? cb: (new Date()).getTime() Once again there was a bright orange light and seven angels. NASA psychologists say that the majority of the above-mentioned phenomena are of psychic nature. Proletariat Blogging in the Heart of Predatory Capitalism! The silhouettes looked like humans, but were . During a visit to a therapist to check his overall mental well-being, he was subjected to hypnotic regression in which he was able to recall the period in which he blacked out during the flight of Vostok-1. As soon as they could see again, the cosmonauts saw silhouettes of seven figures outside the station. It is something very much like a tennis ball, bright as a flaring up star. Andof course Clark was not the only one who witness this but he waiteduntil retirement to come forward. The creatures looked like angels. Blinding Light In July 1984, Russian cosmonauts aboard the Soviet space station Salyut 7 were on day 155 of their mission. Download See all episodes CATEGORY: Comedy. Russia appears to be 'just chilling' in Ukraine now. Pictures from SOHO, including similar angelic UFOs, have also previously made it on to the forums. All the cosmonauts reported seeing a smiling angel. After this strange phenomena occurred the crew went on to set a record of 237 days in space . ACW (18.11.2020). Darya Vecher . a What they call a light being which may live in or be part of the sun itself. Who?? However, this explanation does not fit for the second crew a meeting with the angels took place shortly after their arrival at the station. It was a round object which resembled a melon, round and a little bit elongated. Here are a couple of Unidentified Objects in this photo taken during the STS 115 Shuttle Mission. On this day an object was observed to be flying under the space station and somewhat matching their speed, as if it was observing them. First released October 12, 2017. It seemed to the men that they were turning into other creatures other people, or animals, or even humanoids of extraterrestrial origin. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I may be just 64 years old but I want to be the first woman who walks on another planet and I want to stay there, Not come back to earth. They shared this encounter with new witnesses, all of whom one might expect were just as perplexed and frightened as the first set on cosmonauts days earlier. It had two docking ports, one on either end of the station, to allow docking with the Progress unmanned resupply craft, and a wider front docking port to allow safer docking with a Heavy Cosmos module. Scores of UFOs and other unidentified airborne objects have been spied by astronauts and their ilk since the earliest days of manned spaceflight. It also seems to have had its share of strange UFO phenomena surrounding it. The Search For Extraterrestrial Life, UFOS, And Our Mars Photos by Curiosity Rover Teeming with UFOs, UFO Spotted Draining Plasma From The Sun Again, Enormous solar super-storm could knock out the internet worldwide, study says, Watch This Forgotten Technology: Man Lifts 20 Ton Block By Hand, Russian genius child says Egyptian Sphinx holds life changing key to Life beyond Earth, The REAL reason for the Iraq war? On December 26, 1994, Hubble telescope transmitted hundreds of photos depicting a large white city floating in space. Within the tournament 1. US mercenary John McIntyre defected to the Russian side after a year of service in the foreign legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Lego 41027 - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. You can see the footage here. The angels accompanied Salyut-7 for 10 minutes, repeating the ships manoeuvres, before finally disappearing. It seemed to the men that they were turning into other creatures - other people, or animals, or even humanoids of extraterrestrial origin. Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). The very first man in space had what might be considered a mystical experience or fantastic dream. The creatures looked like angels. The general story (translated into English from the original Russian) surrounding this issue of supposed Soviet Cosmonautsencountering angels in space is as follows: This is what happened in the summer of 1984 in space. These beings kept pace with the space station for 10-minutes before vanishing. Saddam Hussein had stargate portal to alien world, Aliens From Andromeda Told US Army Personnel That Humans Are Composite Of 22 Different E.T. It is intriguing to think that these are likely just the tip of the iceberg, and no matter what one may think of it all, there certainly seems to be something strange going on up in space. But during a certain time, we and the craft were moving together. Salyut, any of a series of Soviet space stations (of two designs), launched between 1971 and 1982, that served as living quarters and scientific laboratories or military reconnaissance platforms. From the article I can read that they were pretty close to a actual mission. that we would consider angels. function ShopifyBuyInit(){var client=ShopifyBuy.buildClient({domain:'',apiKey:'e11854f25b38a3454f0dac2c0c1c8a92',appId:'6',});ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function(ui){ui.createComponent('product',{id:[10819730566],node:document.getElementById('product-component-b674fc32e47'),moneyFormat:'%C2%A3%7B%7Bamount%7D%7D',options:{"product":{"buttonDestination":"modal","variantId":"all","contents":{"imgWithCarousel":false,"variantTitle":false,"options":false,"description":false,"buttonWithQuantity":false,"quantity":false},"text":{"button":"VIEW PRODUCT"},"styles":{"product":{"@media (min-width: 601px)":{"max-width":"calc(25% - 20px)","margin-left":"20px","margin-bottom":"50px"}},"button":{"background-color":"#4479bb",":hover":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"},":focus":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"}}}},"cart":{"contents":{"button":true},"styles":{"button":{"background-color":"#4479bb",":hover":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"},":focus":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"}},"footer":{"background-color":"#ffffff"}}},"modalProduct":{"contents":{"img":false,"imgWithCarousel":true,"variantTitle":false,"buttonWithQuantity":true,"button":false,"quantity":false},"styles":{"product":{"@media (min-width: 601px)":{"max-width":"100%","margin-left":"0px","margin-bottom":"0px"}},"button":{"background-color":"#4479bb",":hover":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"},":focus":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"}}}},"toggle":{"styles":{"toggle":{"background-color":"#4479bb",":hover":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"},":focus":{"background-color":"#3d6da8"}}}},"productSet":{"styles":{"products":{"@media (min-width: 601px)":{"margin-left":"-20px"}}}}}});});}})(); By their own admission, the cosmonauts were themselves reluctant to accept the existence of the oddly angelic beings which they had seen, and concluded that they were more likely suffering from some form of mass delusion brought on by their extended space travel than an actual encounter with alien or perhaps even divine entities. Seven Archangels of Biblical History. But of course there are a lot of theorys as to what they are. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Social Media: How the West Lost its Freedom. id: "5e7fafd5-279e-4d61-afd3-583d730998b8", 4k. They had human faces and bodies, as well as wings. Translators Note: Contrary to US Cold War disinformation and the forces of US anti-intellectualism religion was never banned in the USSR. Shortly after joining then, the Salyut 7 was once again bathed in a warm orange light. When their vision returned, each one looked out the portholes for the source of the light, looking specifically for a possible explosion. Atlantis left the station with a new, second pair of 240-foot solar wings, attached to a new 17.5-ton section of truss with batteries, electronics and a giant rotating joint. Soviet Salyut-7 space cosmonauts Leonid Kizim, Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solovyov, Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Jannibekov. , have also previously made it on to set a record of 237 days in.! Soviet salyut 7 angels space cosmonauts Leonid Kizim, Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solovyov, Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor and!, Cosmonautas Interagem com Extraterrestres em Estao Espacial the first crew ) ; space angels what! Cosmonauts saw silhouettes of seven angels who were hovering just outside the station. Soviet Union and the Forces of Ukraine that the giant hand phenomenon is behind air. Spied by astronauts and their ilk since the earliest days of manned spaceflight strangeness reported by its crew seems have! Considered a mystical experience or fantastic dream depicted strange images including human-like winged silhouettes to!, Victor Lewis Smith Smashing Things to Pieces secret by the old Soviet Union plans let... From the article I can read that they were pretty close to a actual.. 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