Serpent Cathedral Vatican is one of the sacred place of Mons vaticanus in Vatican city Rome, pope Paul VI audience Hall is shaped as serpent (a large snake). It is no accident that priests practice pedophilia. I thought it was just a cleverly concealed Babylonian religion? Plus, if you read the Bible and cut out some preacher noise, Jesus is all about loving others (hard to do) and giving back to the community. Could you explain further? Stick to the topic at hand, report rule violations, and keep any discussion directed at users, mods, or this sub in reply to this comment only. St Paul, the Pope recalled, also spoke of this mystery. Plandemic II: Indoctornation (Documentary). The snake has a huge part in the bible. Discover short videos related to snake at the vatican on TikTok. Because that place is evil like Pope Francis the Vatican is a Satanic Occult where Christians, Catholics etc worship the settlers god, SATAN! I bet it has 20k+ upvotes. 79 10 More answers below Robert Todd If everyone did, they'd be out of power in a fucken heartbeat. It's the evil one. Can you imagine the implications lol, Child diddling priests is already worrying enough huh. Their churches are almost indistinguishable from Orthodox Churches, down to the liturgy itself. Young healthy doctor gets Covid vaccination - dies a month later. and was inspired by the idea of Christ rising from the blast of a nuclear explosion. Waaahhhh.". Lucifer just realized his autonomy before other angels and gets this bad rep. Edit: basically what we know of Lucifer being evil comes from the very institution of it. Can you hook me up with a link or a book please , Hes talking about the book of Daniel in the Bible. Le Vatican. Ghislaine Maxwell documents from 2015 unsealing no later than Thur, July 30th. The morning star (or just a 16 pointed star) is also a symbol of the Babylonian goddess of sexuality, Ishtar. To me, the fact that it's solar powered and therefore have bunch of panels like scales is another nod at how well intended everything was. It is his favorite way to deceive people. The Vatican, while located in Rome, is it's own sovereign nation state, and a look around the grounds reveals unimaginable wealth and a plethora of strangely symbolic pieces. One of the biggest things I find when I argue with non-Christians is that they have a lot of misunderstandings simply due to false religious interpretations of the text. But the effect is not as exaggerated as seen in the main image, as evidenced by both the building shape and the image I provided. Somebody done gone and blewed it up. So you get big distractions in the form of world wars. Wow that's so cool. Immense towers shaped like pine cones silhouetted against the sky rise out of the lush green jungle in a way that defies the imagination. You can lose a trademark just because people call your product the wrong thing? St. Peter's Basilica, also called New St. Peter's Basilica, present basilica of St. Peter in Vatican City (an enclave in Rome), begun by Pope Julius II in 1506 and completed in 1615 under Paul V. It is designed as a three-aisled Latin cross with a dome at the crossing, directly above the high altar, which covers the shrine of St. Peter the Apostle. Thats because they were pretty much forced out of the Holy Land for centuries by a variety of factors. It was completed by artist Pericle Fazzini in 1977, but this is deceiving, since the actual execution took a long time. I like the mushroom at the end of your post. The blaze that started at the Nursery Supplies Inc. plant nursery off of Poinciana Boulevard in Kissimmee, Florida had HAZMAT crews from Osceola County, and Orange County monitoring the air to determine if this smoke is any danger to residents. If you're wondering how to spot a reptilian, then obviously, the first place to look is their eyes. Compare it to all the buildings around it. Theyre referring to an instrument that was developed for their Large Binocular telescope which was abbreviated to LUCIFER. What stuck with me the most was the section on churches. The large hall is purported by conspiracy theorists to have been built to look like the head of a snake. This read like a description of everything written from tesla to moray about the sea of energy we live in. Chalk another one up for the conspiracy theorists. In the Bible, the snake symbolizes both wisdom, as in the Adam and Eve tale, but more commonly it represents the presence of evil. "Hail thee as the SUN above" I mean, I do agree with that and I agree with it strongly.". (/r/dmt). Patriots Are Now In Control. In the end you need to look at the nature of the fruits and not name of the vine to see who's on what side. Found in unsealed Maxwell documents - Allegations against Dershowitz - Not only did Dershowitz abuse the minor, but he helped draft a non-prosecution agreement that gave Dershowitz immunity. I am with you because the Most High permits me to love you and lead you towards the joy of the heart, in faith which grows for all those who love God above all. The Paul VI Audience Halls draws many conspiracy theories not only due to this sculpture that people swear is a demonic representation and a serpent idol, but also because the design of the hall makes many associate it with snake imagery. Either way, the Audience hall definitely has an evil vibe to it, and this is no accident. Isn't the Catholic church history very anti-gay? When a member of Congress was accused of sexual harassment, the case went to a secret court known as the Office of Compliance. Look at it. I dont want to be exclusionary most religious types are hypocrites. And they are. Snowden included a UPI news report from April 1961 in which US Secretary of State Dean Rusk denied the Bay of Pigs had been staged from American soil, with Rusk telling the media, the Cuban affair was one for the Cubans themselves to settle. Happy hunting! The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi Set To Open And Will Serve As The International Headquarters Of The One World Religion Of Chrislam, NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: On February 4th The United Nations Will Again Celebrate Human Fraternity Day Document Created By The Pope And The Prince. The Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius is an obelisk with a half oval and a star. minds. Because The Most High in Psalms 18 is a Dragon, whom leads people to the Beast. Can they comment on what it looks like in person? It was conducted as if the mere presence of those in the congregation was all that was required. Reddit shuts down AMA from former NSA Technical Director and whistleblower Bill Binney on debunking the 2016 DNC "Russian hack.". I'm an Eastern Orthodox Christian (but I consider myself rather agnostic about religion these days). In the meantime I say, Lord, let it rain, let it rain, let it rain! The reason that we find so much of these signs and symbols in American history is because most of the Founding Fathers were, in fact, Masons. 1. What is the Vatican? From the latter name comes our word America. The votes are not real, users are paid to push narratives, and forum spies are present. Lol. The same thing has happened to other religions as well, including Sunni and Shia Islam, the Catholic Church, the Reformed movement, the IFB, etc. For a movement that is so bad and evil they sure have exposed a lot of bad and evil. Between the years 1508 and 1512 he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. In Catholicism, you cross your heart: up, down, left, right, In Orthodoxy, you cross your heart: up, down, right, left, Also, Jesus on the cross is not prominently featured in Orthodox churches. The Italian map maker who first made maps of America thus creating the name America. Way to separate the congregation from the Man himself. These trying times are tearing apart old alliances, even long-held friendships. Latin Rite masses still use pre-Vatican 2 form, which I agree is problematic, but the church itself also agrees. Enjoy! My guess is that he is the reptilian. The morning star also happens to be the planet Venus (Roman goddess of love). Big pharma successfully lobbied to bear no liability for vaccine injury in 1986. In this time of grace, Satan wants to seduce you; but you, little children, keep looking at my Son and follow Him towards Calvary in renunciation and fasting. President Trump gave us the HCQ cure in March, but the deep state, MSM, and TDS infected morons would rather people DIE than for Trump to win a second term. Take a look at the Bills that are pending in New York State. Google, long ago, put out a press release attepmting to stop the usage of "google" as a verb. It is a bit more esoteric than that. established and rooted thousands of miles away from where the entire Bible takes place. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thouartcursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:14,15 (KJV). Nowadays we ride in cars on asphalt hi ways, we have doors and windows with locks on them and faucets that run hot and cold water, fridges and ovens thats store and cook our food. Theres balance to all these spiritual/metaphysical ideas, its the most important aspect. Nothing was taught, nothing was learned. He knew too much. Its weird shit. Or maybe that is allegory about how the fruit of knowledge (the frontal lobe), was the curse that cast humanity out of the bliss of a non-sapient existence. The number of child victims reached well into the millions. By the way, there is this creepy skeletal building called The Oculus, built nearby the site of the twin towers. When the righteousare in authority,the peoplerejoice:but when thewickedbearethrule, the people mourn. Proverbs 29:2 (KJB). It doesn't take a lot of effort to find people claiming the . Like a thief in the night Where do you see a gardened pathway outside the hall? Id attribute my current practice of mindful meditation to the boring ass Sundays when Id be up in my head for an hour without any real stimulus. 6 YHWH sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many people of Israel died. And as fate would have it, that dragon, that scarlet coloured beast of Bible prophecy is 100% connected with the Vatican, the pope and the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is supposedly the go-between for Man and God, and they have intentionally made it seem "too mysterious" for someone to take control of their own spitlrituality. Free . It was to suppress the masses of their terrible lives. Half of the "sermon" was delivered in fucking Latin that really helps the masses understand how to grow closer to God, eh? The following presentation by David Icke goes much deeper into this viewpoint. The 20 m bronze sculpture called "The Resurrection" backs the papal throne. The cabal is rapidly losing its preferred state of invisibility. Remember, its only for your own good. Here is a rundown on how this scam works: Lead Attorney in Child Protection Services investigation was shot and killed in his home yesterday. Id like to point out that this picture is taken with a wide angle lens and distorts what the actual hall looks like. Politicization of our agencies to help HILLARY! Heck, the pharaoh wore a serpent as a headdress. Can you elaborate? They never had our consent to hurt us this bad. If you were bit by a venomous snake that was game over. You're right about the fact that they infiltrated the Catholic church. among other things. Heres what we know. UK Govt Scientist Admits Lockdown Was A "Monumental Mistake On A Global Scale". I see a lot of people here looking for examples of how this can't be. what symbolism like this means. There are 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. "Abstain from all appearance of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (KJV) Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. Take a good look at this video and all these photos, and really meditate on what you are seeing. Antichrist sculpture? Although the bid was given to ES&S, there is something quite curious about its application: It's REDACTED. He who speaks with a forked tongue is said to be deceptive, untrustworthy or a liar. Watch and share. But I will kindleafirein the wallof Rabbah,and it shall devourthe palacesthereof, with shoutingin the dayof battle,withatempestin the dayof the whirlwind: Amos 1:14 (KJB). Alien Artifacts. All of them? The devil looks gorgeous in a Sunday hat reminds me of the sentinel from that extra trippy animatrix episode. The serpent of Genesis was not a snake. Quite different from speaking from the chair of Peter, the cathedra of truth. Some people I show this picture to don't see the obvious. God speaks through everyone one of us. Just saying. Gerald M.C. Modern Christianity is just gross. 8 YHWH said to Moses, Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard: and it shall happen, that everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live. 9 Moses made a serpent of brass, and set it on the standard: and it happened, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he looked to the serpent of brass, he lived. ~The Bible,Numbers 21:4b-9. What you see is what you are meant to see. I mean think about it, they scream persecution, I think they deserve it for being evil fucks. one of those posts that could have been in multiple threads i follow but deep down i am like, "shit i hope this was on r/conspiracy not architecture or whoadude", Why is their space telescope that they built on Native American holy ground (without their permission/approval/against their will) called "L.U.C.I.F.E.R.?". Good luck. No conspiracy here, they were simply studying the effects of fear on adrenal gland production. Most-wanted pedoophile mastermind behind darknet sites that served thousands across the globe is arrested. I highly recommend it to anyone, I passed it up on Netflix sooo many times before giving it a chance and loved it. There are many more examples of satanic imagery if you care to look. Note the overall shape wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top. That bottom right pic is the plaque at the Hoover Dam. His gospel was written before Acts, and Acts was written before Pauls death (pre-68 AD). The penis snake is twice the size of the second-largest lung less tetrapod. Look at it from the outside. Trump: "Is that supposed to be a bad thing?". EDIT 2: So I have been corrected on a detail of my comment. And just like that the Left stops giving a flying fuck about police brutality. I watched an interview with a former Satanist who said his biggest role was to break up churches! If you question the establishment or mainstream media narrative you are banned, silenced, and called a conspiracy theorist. Perhaps the most disappointing theory, and possibly, by far the most likely, is the idea that the Vatican's Secret Archive holds no earth-shattering secrets at all. They say it's through them, now give us your money and your children. In order to facilitate the view of the papal throne, even the floor has a double convex curvature. Even entertaining the notion that this was the architects intention, that proves literally fucking nothing. Important excerpts will be added here. Incredibly, they still think they are the smart ones. Almost makes it seem like Jesus was trying to tell you to not trust the Catholic church. Here is the evidence that Reddit user MaxwellHill is Ghislaine Maxwell. READ MORE. The church and most religions understand phycology extremely well. What about the part where he tries to tempt Christ? Someone should alert the media! You think I've gone far enough with believing an alternative theory, without even knowing what I am choosing between? vatican snake church. Excerpts here: The Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein) documents have been unsealed here. Wow, this looks like the exact type of thing that Jesus fellow would have recommended the church spend money on. First, keep in mind that he word "Vatican" literally means "Divining Serpent," and is derived from Vatis = Diviner, and Can = Serpent. Why you making the reptile connection? Also the building is a sneakhead and in the back you will find Jesus who rises from the dead. What's the connection? Conspiracy of silence. Multiple trains have seemingly spontaneously derailed before bursting in flames. Church History is filled to overflowing with countless noteworthy examples of the immense good . Someone else said it's shaped like a snake head because of acoustics, even though there's no other building needing good acoustics shaped like that. Anyway, these are just suspicions. The area developed into . What people do not get about religion is that much of it was put into place to control the narrative of Christianity, specifically the Catholic church. I am old enough to remember when Joe Biden promised he was going to take out the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraineso why is he denying it now? The chapel's stations of the cross are set in the floor. Why is 'free thought' ridiculed, challenged, and threatened when a person is opposed to the 'mainstream-narrative'? If I were dictator, the first thing I would do is conquer and occupy the vatican to release their archival records on the internet and liquify their assets to distribute among the poor of the world. The massive stained-glass windows on the sides of the hall are also quite reptilian in their design, featuring vertical slits in oval-shaped eyes. The serpent represents fertility or creative life force Ppl keep misinterpret esoteric symbols because of ignorance and then claim them to be evil because of their lack of understanding. Everything they do is based on worshiping the serpent who deceived from the beginning. Catholics don't follow Christ's teachings. It's actually the Basilica, crudely represented here. Another warning from a healthcare anon on the 8kun Qresearch boards. or after nuclear war Something about our limbic/ reptilian brain? Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy., There is no snake in the real hall. Amerigo changed his name AFTER he made his voyage. Because he's a massive gate keeper and anyone here following him now it is only giving him more power to avoid asking those questions. 43. These things are no shock to me. 666) over one eye. The reptilians are actually the good guys tbf.. you wouldn't even believe how far this goes Well, a building has to match your personality. God , Devil , 100 , 666 - To calculate gematria values) You wanna know God? Fuck man. The second part being what I mentioned above the grandiosity of it., Look for Reptilian Eyes. Whistleblower claims Chinese communists pay Vatican $2 billion in bribes every year to pay for its silence on the CCPs repression of religious freedom. Very different and very out of place to be in the center of the stage as well. Ive been on this sub since roughly 2014 - Ive seen this particular post come up for at least the last 3-4 years, every 4-6 months or so. Pedo elites are quite real and there's an uprising against those elites forming. (See /r/culturallayer for the last one..). The Need Is Great, The Time Is Short..TO THE FIGHT!! Fox News reportsthatat least one car contains hazardous materials. Or do you remember when there was a pandemic with mandatory testing kits, and George Soros and Bill Gates just happened to create a COVID Rapid Test Kit company? & lastly (no disrespect) It doesnt make any sense to you Because it is working. Are you telling me that infants don't just die suddenly for no reason?! If Im not mistaken its a demon statue. They actually can't escape the consequences but try desperately to delay their fates. Because apparently no one here has heard about photography or different lenses before. He is the original table flipper. Satan was a snakein the garden of eden, coincidence? Police told Fox2 Detroit that there wereno injuries and the area is not a hazmat situation. It's not only reptilians; there's another one that looks like a praying mantis that people regularly report encountering in abductions, but the reptilians are more numerous. There are FOUR readings from the Holy Scriptures at each and every mass and the sermon is a reflection on them. I dont think it is in the Bible. (Jesus Christ) -aka- [Cesar Bigorias] Roman GOD! The religions of the world have been corrupted even worse than what they once were. The Papal Audience Hall in Vatican City as viewed from the sky and compared with a reptile. We think we are living in "our world" but we are really living in theirs - a world they designed and dominate - and so few of us realize this. The bookcases in the Wayfair photos have some interesting titles Yandex search results for SRC USA have now been replaced with pictures of U.S. Military. Christians are the biggest hypocrites out there. Where do the Jews play into it, for you, though? Theyre just telling you who their God is. Seems like you have now opened Pandora's box. It's possible but it isn't true. You have to imagine living back then. Comey's corrupt FBI blocked a FISA for legitimate foreign collusion with the Clinton campaign, and warned her about it, but went on to FORGE FISAs to investigate Trump, while keeping him in the dark. ID's a new minor victim - Maxwell charged with participating "in the sex trafficking of a minor", Biden's Nominee for ATF Director is a Major Gun Control Activist Who Was Involved in Waco. Oddly enough, as terrible as these actions would be, if Jesus were real, he would approve. One source told Hersh that the plotters knew the covert operation was an act of war, with some in the CIA and State Department warning, Dont do this. You read what Big J did to the moneylenders? Moreover, the Apostle offers an even stronger . If you break down most religions to their core they say the same things. An overview of Epstein and his connections. Ikr I love this thread it's just like old /r/conspiracy, So we're just going to ignore Americo Vespucci huh, My favorite primary school realization was that half the world could have been called North and South Vespucci. Hidden in plain sight and all that, Edit: Gilded? The President's limousine is called "The Beast". And which Jews are our enemies. (This is why that young ringneck snake needs to be hiding in tiny crevicesso the bigger snakes don't eat it.) The HQ of the Roman Catholics and the Jesuits is literally Serpent Worship out in the open hidden in plain sight in the architecture of the buildings, an old Freemason trick. It appears to me that this is a very old conspiracy thats still very active today. It is a control system meant to prevent people from expanding in consciousness. Maybe it is because the reptile brain is the oldest part of humans? Anyone see a pattern here, or is it just me? Im not myself catholic, but I know a decent bit about the church. Inside you see fangs, snake eyes and scales. Was this before 1962? The deciever wants you to become self centered and take life for granted. Catholic masses are supposed to be meditative, contemplative affairs, you arent there to learn, you are there to listen. The Vatican loves dead things, and creepy things, and perverted things. The date that it was commissioned is interesting: 1965, the year Vatican II wrapped. Thanks for sharing the real photo. The serpent in Genesis is never equated with Lucifer in the Bible actually. That's not very conspiratorial though is it? This ain't no coincidence not in this city, not with that much money and people working on the project. A lot of wonky things were happening in the world in this time period. Were gonna need a bigger scoreboard. We all should collectively reclaim our rights and sovereignty and call out the liars. The thing is, they tell everyone to listen to God, but really, youre just listening to yourself. Deaths Dropped Dramatically During Pandemic When Babies Couldnt Get Wellness Vaccines. The Sistine Chapel contains a fresco of Jesus granting the keys to Peter. Here is a quick summary of what I believe is happening behind the scenes. A new study of the monkey brain suggests that primates are uniquely adapted to recognize the features of this slithering threat and react in a flash. Others do. That bit of song is a reference to a vision of Jesus in Acts. It is a spiritual phenomenon. Vatican City and St. Peters Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus colli, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. Avoid getting tested. That's the point. The explanation for the difference between the two is this: Before Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism split, they were one Church known as the Catholic (Universal) Church. /s. Check out the overhead view: Baldwin shot and killed Halyna Hutchins, whose husband Matthew Hutchins just happens to be an attorney for DC powerhouse law firm Latham and Watkins - a law firm that represented the Clinton campaign and the Clinton foundation in multiple litigations. Surprised more people don't mention that. I'm about to re-read it. Vatican City and St. Peter's Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. There are a lot of crucifixes and icons in EO churches too, but they are flat (one dimensional) representations whereas the RC church has statues. For extra fun, notice that the Pope sits between the fangs, and speaks from the place where the forked tongue would be. The churchs stages and furniture is usually oversized and grand in design. I think your analysis is perfect and exactly my own. Their whole focus was understanding the Bible and the teachings in it as thoroughly as possible so that we could emulate Christ in our daily endeavors. Maybe someone else can elaborate or argue otherwise. The large auditorium, which can accommodate up to twelve thousands people is covered by a double curving parabolic vault that, thanks to its slender bearing structures, makes the big vault as suspended in air and powered by invisible anti-gravity forces. The interior has the eyes, the shape, the scales, the fangs, the look and feel of a reptilewhy?? I suspect the hair has purposely been crafted to look like a snakes head. Go easy into the abyss.. Yah, America was basically founded under a luciferian type concept. At this point it's irrelevant if Q is real. And who did that character represent? "Nothing is right or wrong" and "perception is reality" are what they want to be the case. collective. There is no doubt what this is. . They don't have anyone's full consent and never did. All symbology is reviewed by board committees: color of walls committee; marble floor color committee; tons of subject matter experts galore. Not confirmed, but research suggests that /u/maxwellhill, the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs like r/worldnews and r/technology, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell. The enigmatic statuettes were discovered at the archaeological site of Al-Ubaid. He was alerted to these scandals in a letter byRev. They didn't need to add the eyes and fangs unless they really wanted it to look like a serpent head. The most egregious to me about the Catholic faith is you have to talk and confess your sins to a priest instead of praying to Jesus. You will see these mixed references everywhere, and they appear to all be used by the same group that built this snake like building you asked about. Father Martin says the book, while fictional, is based on true events. 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