Sharpton denies that Stone had any influence over his campaign. 1970s: Nixon campaign, Watergate and Reagan 1976, 1990s: Early work with Donald Trump, Dole 1996, 2000s: Florida recount, Killian memos, conflict with Eliot Spitzer, 20102014: Libertarian Party involvement and other political activity, 20152021: Donald Trump campaign and media commentary, 2022: Ontario, Canada political organizing, Relations with Israel before the 2016 United States elections, Relations with Wikileaks and Russia before the 2016 United States elections, Intervention by Trump and Justice Department officials, 2021 storming of the United States Capitol. [164][165] The next week, Stone was identified by two government officials as the anonymous person mentioned in the indictment released by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that charged twelve Russian military intelligence officials with conspiring to interfere in the 2016 elections, as somebody the Russian hackers operating the online persona Guccifer 2.0 communicated with, and who the indictment alleged was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign. [261] Stone's longtime tailor is Alan Flusser. [33] On August 17, 2020, he dropped the appeal of his convictions. Because of BMS's willingness to represent brutal third-world dictators like Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire and Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines, the firm was branded "The Torturers' Lobby". Roger Stone, 66, and his wife Nydia, who went by the pseudonym 'Nikki', were regulars of the notorious private sex club Capitol Couples in Washington D.C. in the mid-1990s View gallery The. She eventually made the shift from in front of the camera to behind it within a short period of time and began taking up small assignments for photoshoots for individual clients and events. Bob Dole met his wife in 1972. Stone told the Washington Post in a 2017 feature that he met his wife at an event during one of Ronald Reagans presidential campaigns. [4] Fashion stories have been written about him in GQ and Penthouse. [52], In 1975, Stone helped found the National Conservative Political Action Committee, a New Right organization that helped to pioneer independent expenditure political advertising. The judge wrote that the testimony of Steven Bannon and Rick Gates was sufficient to conclude that Stone lied to Congress. He was forced to resign following a National Enquirer story that accused Stone of posting ads looking for sexual partners to join him and Nydia in the bedroom. [166], On January 25, 2019, in a pre-dawn raid by 29 FBI agents acting on both an arrest warrant and a search warrant[167] at his Fort Lauderdale, Florida, home, Stone was arrested on seven criminal charges of an indictment in the Mueller investigation: one count of obstructing an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering. [187] Around midnight, Trump characterized the sentencing recommendation as "horrible and very unfair situation" in tweeted, "Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice! In the year 1992, the political consultant became the husband of Nydia Bertran. "[33] Within Trump's circle, Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson, Trump aide Larry Kudlow, and Republican congressman Matt Gaetz urged Trump to grant clemency to Stone,[33] as did Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. Later, in 2008 during an interview with the New Yorker, Stone admitted that the ads were his. I don't understand why she's there, given her lack of qualifications. They divorced in 1990. However the drop had been announced three days previously and the Mueller investigation was only able to establish Corsi talked to Ted Malloch who was not an Assange associate. [16] Stone has referred to himself as "an agent provocateur."[17]. In 2017, she made an appearance as herself on a documentary on her husband's life titled 'Get Me Roger Stone'. Dinner at our favorite place Cafe Europa? In 1996, Nydia and Roger Stone were the focus of a media frenzy. "[93], Stone considered running as a Libertarian candidate for governor of Florida in 2014, but in May 2013, he said in a statement that he would not run, and that he wanted to devote himself to campaigning in support of the 2014 Florida Amendment 2 referendum legalizing medical cannabis. 'The National Enquirer' had reported that Roger, 44 at the time, and Nydia, 48, had placed racy advertisements and pictures in the September issue of 'Local Swing Fever' magazine, and on a website, to seek sexual partners for both of them. No matter how much Mueller wishes IT JUST AINT SO! A message shortly afterward saw Nydia refer to her husband as brilliant at analyzing the news and predicting what will happen but that is NOT ILLEGAL.. Dole hangs back like a husband watching his wife work a cocktail party. In 1996, Stone resigned from a post as a consultant on Senator Bob Dole's campaign for president after The National Enquirer wrote that Stone had placed ads and pictures in racy swingers' publications and a website seeking sexual partners for himself and his second wife, Nydia Bertran Stone, whom he married in Las Vegas in 1992. Stone left his Washington firm in the mid-1990s after it was sold. "[23], Stone first suggested Trump run for president in early 1998 while he was Trump's casino business lobbyist in Washington. Although the couple did not have children, Elizabeth Dole is stepmother to her husband's daughter, Robin Dole, from his 24-year . The article says that Stone allowed Davis to live in his apartment on 71st Street. Now Streaming on Netflix. [147] The Committee Vice Chair, Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), called on Stone to testify before the committee, saying he "hit the trifecta" of shady dealings with Russia. #yuge # trump Great dinner partner :(, Nydia Bertran Stone (@nydiastone) September 8, 2015, In a subsequent tweet, Nydia said, I have been by Roger Stones side for 30 years and no matter how many people are interviewed there is: NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION; NO WIKI LEAKS; NO JULIAN ASSANGE. [128][129][130] After his arraignment at the Miami federal courthouse in January 2019, they joined him on its steps holding signs that said, "Roger Stone is innocent," and promoting right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his InfoWars website. [240] The committee also revealed ties between Stone and the Proud Boys extremist group. He has one child from his first marriage and none from his second. [68] Stone has said that he urged Lee Atwater not to include Horton in the ad. Don't forget that Bill Clinton was doing more than talking to Dick Morris. [92], In June 2012, Stone said that he was running a super PAC in support of former New Mexico governor and Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, whom he had met at a Reason magazine Christmas party two years earlier. McAuliffe cited a report in the New York Post in his accusations. Stone acknowledged contacts with the mysterious persona and made public excerpts of the messages. He planned the Trump campaign, and he is Trump's henchman and dirty trickster. They first met in the university and are both members of the Young Republicans club. Nevertheless, Roger had to resign from his post as a consultant on Senator Bob Dole's campaign for president. Stone said that Roy Cohn helped him arrange for independent candidate John B. Anderson to get the nomination of the Liberal Party of New York, a move that would help split the opposition to Reagan in the state. Nydia is six years older than her husband, Stone. Eventually Magruder and Herbert Porter hired Stone to spy on rival presidential campaigns during the 1972 Democratic Party presidential primaries. You think that's mean? [221] Carlson reportedly visited the white house and met with Jared Kushner to demand clemency for Stone. The prosecution had recommended that Stone serve between 7 and 9 years. Bob Dole married his second wife, Elizabeth Hanford, in 1975 Elizabeth Dole would later become Ronald Reagan's secretary of transportation and eventually won a seat in the Senate herself. "[138], Stone repeatedly acknowledged that he had established a back-channel with the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to obtain information on Hillary Clinton and pointed to this intermediary as the source for his advance knowledge about the release of Podesta's e-mails by WikiLeaks. In 1996, he was the Republican Party's candidate for the presidency. [200] Zelinsky testified that "What I heard repeatedly was that Roger Stone was being treated differently from any other defendant because of his relationship to the president. Her father served as a Cuban diplomat before Fidel Castro came to power. Although their careers went in different directions, their relationship remained close. "Roger's a good guy," Trump said. However, after Fidel Castro came to power in 1959, her father decided to move to the US with the family. [150][151][152], On September 26, 2017, Stone testified before the House Intelligence Committee behind closed doors. Nydia has also been married once before. [246][247] Stone also writes for his own fashion blog, Stone on Style. He resigned from the campaign after the National Enquirer reported that Stone had placed an ad seeking sexual partners in a swinger's magazine. A post shared by Nydia Bertran Stone (@nydia_b_stone) on Oct 19, 2018 at 10:11am PDT. Previously, between 1974 and 1990, Stone had been married to Anne. He was treated very unfairly, as were many others in this case. [43], As a student at George Washington University in 1972, Stone invited Jeb Stuart Magruder to speak at a Young Republicans Club meeting, then asked Magruder for a job with Richard Nixon's Committee to Re-elect the President. WASHINGTON, Sept. 16 -- Republican strategist Roger Stone emphatically denied allegations in the National Enquirer this week that suggested he and his wife, Nydia, frequented sex clubs and posted . Stone Roger Stone party: Libertarian (from 2012 up to 2015), Republican (from 2015 to present) Nydia Stone was born as Nydia Bertran on May 8, 1946 in Cuba. [204] The New York Times reported that federal prosecutors around the nation already leery of taking cases that might catch Trump's attention had become increasingly concerned after the Stone developments. Attorneys who were prosecuting the case Jonathan Kravis, Aaron Zelinsky, Adam Jed and Michael Marando withdrew from the case, and Kravis resigned from the U.S. Attorney's Office altogether. The circumstance is made worse by the fact that Stone and his wife, Nydia, have already been identified as swingers. No, it's smart. [140] A January 2019 indictment claimed Stone communicated with additional contacts knowledgeable about WikiLeaks plans. In the weeks afterwards he pressured the Trump administration for a pardon of all Members of Congress who supported overturning the 2020 election, including Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, and Matt Gaetz. Immediately after the Access Hollywood tape was released in October 2016, Stone directed his associate Jerome Corsi to tell Julian Assange to "drop the Podesta emails immediately," which Wikileaks leaked minutes later. Roger Stone, who was arrested on 25 January 2019 pleaded not guilty the seven counts he is facing. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Bob Dole, who overcame disabling war wounds to become a sharp-tongued Senate leader from Kansas, a Republican presidential candidate and then a symbol and celebrant of his dwindling generation of World War II veterans, has died. "[23], Stone consistently denied the reports. As a news photographer, she worked on a number of political campaigns, including President Ronald Reagans campaign for the 1980 election. Born in 1923 #18. [80][81] Donald Trump is quoted as saying of the incident, "They caught Roger red-handed, lying. Her husband, notorious for courting negative publicity time and again, has worked on the campaigns of key Republican politicians, such as Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, Bob Dole and Donald Trump. [208], On February 20, 2020, Judge Jackson sentenced Stone to 40 months in federal prison and a $20,000 fine for his crimes, but allowed him to delay the start of his sentence pending resolution of Stone's post-trial motions. Stone is featured in Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, documentary on Lee Atwater made in 2008. As he embarked on his political career his wife padded his suits to disguise his injured arm and shoulder and arranged for his food to arrive ready cut at public functions. In 1992, Roger married Nydia Bertran. Bob Dole, with his wife to the left and former U.S. Sen. Nancy Kassebaum behind him, attends the unveiling of a statue in his likeness at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, 2018. His mother was the president of Meadow Pond Elementary School PTA, a Cub Scout den mother, and occasionally a small-town reporter;[42] his father "Chubby" (also Roger J. "[262] Stone's office in Florida has been described as a "Hall of Nixonia" with framed pictures, posters, bongs,[263] and letters associated with Nixon.[4]. "My first treatment will begin on Monday. . Mr. Stone was 16 years old during the Nixon presidential campaign of 1968 and 20 years old during the reelection campaign of 1972. [179] Randy Credico testified that Stone urged and threatened him to prevent him testifying to Congress. [23], Stone's political career began in earnest on the 1972 Nixon campaign, with activities such as contributing money to a possible rival of Nixon in the name of the Young Socialist Alliance and then slipping the receipt to the Manchester Union-Leader. First Name Bob #23. However, after communist rule was established in the country under Fidel Castro's leadership, in 1959, her father decided to move to the United States with the family. Nowhere in the Presidential Daily Diaries from 1972 to 1974 does the name "Roger Stone" appear. Dole was born Mary Elizabeth Alexander Hanford in Salisbury, North Carolina, to Mary Ella (ne Cathey; 1901-2004) and John Van Hanford (1893-1978).. Dole attended Duke University and graduated with distinction in Political Science, on June 2, 1958.She was a finalist for an Angier B. Duke scholarship, a full-tuition award given to outstanding applicants who . "[4], Stone does not wear socks a fact that Nancy Reagan brought to her husband's attention during his 1980 presidential campaign. The Campaigns Seem to Disagree", "Roger Stone, the 'Trickster' on Trump's Side, Is Under FBI Scrutiny", "Trump's inner circle has always been a cesspool", "The FBI's ridiculous riot gear and pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone was excessive and unnecessary", "Watch Get Me Roger Stone | Netflix Official Site", "Roger Stone Keeps Pushing Seth Rich Conspiracy Theories Despite Family Pleas", "Inside the Six Weeks Donald Trump Was a Nonstop 'Birther', "In Donald Trump, Conspiracy Fans Find a Campaign to Believe In", "How Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, got Donald Trump's ear", "Trump allies, WikiLeaks and Russia are pushing a nonsensical conspiracy theory about the DNC hacks", "Roger Stone Netflix doc to premiere at Tribeca Film Fest", "Roger Stone claimed contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2016, according to two associates", "Emails about WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange being 'mischaracterized': Roger Stone", "FBI documents reveal communication between Stone, Assange", "Roger Stone search warrants reveal new clues and mysteries about 2016; The unsealed documents offer fresh information on Stone's contacts with Julian Assange", "Mueller investigators said Roger Stone orchestrated hundreds of fake Facebook accounts in political influence scheme", "Trump Associate Roger Stone Arrested in Florida as Part of Special Counsel Probe", "Roger Stone Arrested on Obstruction Charges in Mueller Investigation", "Trump Commutes Sentence of Roger Stone in Case He Long Denounced", "Roger Stone Is Found Guilty in Trial That Revived Trump-Russia Saga", "The Latest: Roger Stone to remain free pending sentencing", "Roger Stone drops appeals of felony convictions", "Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency", "Partners in Political PR Firm Typify Republican New Breed", "Mover, Shaker, And Cranky Caller? In 1980, he co-founded a Washington, D.C.based lobbying firm with Paul Manafort and Charles R. Black Jr.[6][7][8] The firm recruited Peter G. Kelly and was renamed Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly in 1984. In 1996, he was forced to drop out of a volunteer position with Sen. Bob Dole's presidential campaign after a National Enquirer story said Stone and his second wife, Nydia, had placed an ad . Stone had asserted that a juror was biased against him. Adria Stone is the daughter of Roger Stone, and Scott Stone is his stepson. [196], The politicization of Stone's sentencing by Trump and senior Trump administration officials at the Justice Department caused controversy and prompted allegations of political interference;[197][198] the Justice Department's unusual decision to overrule the prosecutors on the case, as well as Stone's close association with Donald Trump, led to the affair being described as a crisis in the rule of law in the U.S.[196] More than 2,000 former employees of the Department of Justice signed an open letter calling on Barr to resign, and the Federal Judges Association convened an emergency meeting on the matter. "[122] In an 2020 interview with Tucker Carlson Tonight Stone also called Trump "the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln. "[209], On February 23, 2020, Judge Jackson rejected a request by Stone's lawyers that she be removed from the case. Stone thereafter told the Trump campaign about potential future releases of damaging material by WikiLeaks, the indictment alleged. He is described as a flamboyant person who has never been apologetic about the means he has used to ensure the success of his candidates. (Cuban-American Photographer, Former Model and Second Wife of American Political Consultant, Roger Stone) Nydia Stone is a Cuban-American photographer, former model, and political personality who is better known as the second wife of American political consultant, lobbyist and strategist, Roger Stone. Speaking after the statute of limitations for bribery had expired, Stone later said, "I paid his law firm. For his part, Stone denied having forged the documents. Aside from Trump, the self-proclaimed "dirty trickster" has worked for Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bob Dole, among others. Associated With. After dating for three years, the duo got married in December 1975. 1/2", "Mr. Stone, during his time as a student at George Washington University, was a junior scheduler on the Nixon reelection committee. President. When Stone was asked by a local reporter about the Proud Boys' claim that he had been initiated as a member of the group, he responded by calling the reporter a member of the Communist Party. According to Dailymail, in 1996, Roger and his wife Nydia Aka Nikki allegedly paid a covert reporter a visit in an exclusive swingers club in Washington, DC. [25], Stone officially left the Trump campaign on August 8, 2015. [205] In late June, Attorney General Barr agreed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee at an oversight hearing on July 28, 2020,[196][198] which would be Barr's first congressional testimony since his confirmation in early 2019. . [192] Trump later said he had not asked the Justice Department to recommend a lighter sentence, but also asserted he had an "absolute right" to intervene. Nydia and her husband also sought couples or exceptional muscular, well-[endowed], single men., Stone denied the report at the time. I like vodka martinis with an olive, please. [26] According to Nunberg, who claimed he spoke to the paper after being asked to do so by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,[26] Stone joked to him that he had taken a trip to London to personally meet with Assange, but declined to do so, had only wanted to have telephone conversations to remain undetected and did not have advance notice of the leaked emails. Stone denied having forged the documents campaign of 1972 as herself on documentary. Stone and his wife at an event during one of Ronald Reagans campaign for 1980. Is his stepson over his campaign Stone thereafter told the Trump campaign, he... The presidency in 1996, he dropped the appeal of his convictions move to the with. There, given her lack of qualifications 33 ] on August 8 2015. Mid-1990S after IT was sold of qualifications Stone ' the ad law firm 16 ] Stone referred. Herbert Porter hired Stone to spy on rival presidential campaigns during the reelection campaign of 1968 and 20 old... 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