Number 629 WISE MAN VICTORIOUS 675 BEAUTIFUL BRIDE Seven also has ties to divine perfection. I just looked back over the numbers and i didnt see it. The article linked above does list some other obscure ways twelve pops into the picture in the Bible: - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (Daniel 4) fulfills 12 months later, - 12 baskets remain full after Jesus feeds the 5,000. servant mark. 700 PRIDE IN RICHES AND POWER 310 KEEP THE FAITH Number473 THE LORD THUNDERS 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT Number299 GOD IS HIDDEN AWAY, Number301 KING PILES UP WEALTH Number16 SACRIFICE When exploring which numbers in the Bible carry symbolic significance, number 12 stands out as one of the most prominent in Scripture. Number227 BLINDNESS TO BETRAYAL, Number228 PRIEST FOR HIRE I realize that 37 means chosen servant but I was wondering if you had anymore input on why it means this. 661 GRASPING FOR RICHES Number31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD Many say this is the most infamous number in the Bible. Thank you for your interest. 285 TRAITOR HANGED. 58 WORLDLY LIFE 532 RUTHLESS MEN ATTACK 539 GLOOMY TOWER OF DARKNESS 560 SENSELESS SONS OF DARKNESS, 561 PLOT TO DESTROY SAINTS 35 SUFFERING SERVANT: Hope Number300 GOD APPEARS 161 PURIFIED CHURCH, 163 WORD HID IN HEART 606 PEACE BE ON ISRAEL 635 SIMPLETON IS VICTIMIZED, 638 TRUTHFUL LIPS Angel number 240 asks you to learn to listen to your intuition. I have been thinking much on who delivers the blow to the USA and how God said that he was killing Congress and the wild animals they fear would rip them up. Will I get married? Without the Spirit of God in our hearts to illuminate Jesus to us, we would most certainly understand nothing at all. Also know this the prophets in the Bible OFTEN received messages from God they did not understand. 316 PEOPLE REJOICE, 317 MAN OF GOD More than 1400 of her works have been featured in various publications. Number 577 SECOND COMING OF CHRIST Number298 KING EXALTS HIMSELF Number37 CHOSEN SERVANT, Number42 EVIL MAN Number 355 WEAK SPIRITUAL JUDGMENT, THEME 28 RELIGION PLAYS HARLOT WITH KING, Number 356 NATIONS DEFEATED IN BATTLE Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me for ever. Number302 ADVERSARY RAISED UP 223 BROTHER HATERS 7 0 obj Conservative scholars remain cautious about assigning too much importance to the meaning of numbers in the Bible. Rev. The Hebrew word tsar, Strong's Concordance #H6862, occurs 109 times in the Old Testament's original language. My name was written below the box in capital letters..PENNY..every number that was translated to the letter of my name was spoken out loud. Hello in the sweet name of Jesus. #3 You are going to join your relatives and forefathers in hell. 482 WORSHIP FALSE GODS, 483 DECEITFUL TONGUES However, I do believe each of us has a private name that God knows us by it is our new name. America is a huge topic in Bible prophecy. The meaning we have given to the number 680 is REBELLIOUS CHILDREN DETESTIBLE. So small, so insignificant. Number 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT 534 RIGHTEOUS MAN A PREY 354 MAKE A RELIGIOUS SHOW Number482 WORSHIP FALSE GODS, Number483 DECEITFUL TONGUES Very good and thought provoking, looking forward to reading more. As a far as Canada, I do not know. Popes, Bishops, Arch-Bishops, Cardinals, Priests, Ministers, Paid Pastors, and hirelings. The number 173 means Great Battle between the forces of good and evil, which will culminate in the Great Tribulation at Armageddon (Rev. Number 800 GOOD SHEPHERD I tried for years to get them, including almost all the so called republicans that ran for president to say six simple works. Note to all readers: if you find anything missing, or in error (I am fallible), please let us know. And 60 means EARTHLY KING. Number23 DEATH, Number8 NEW MAN : Eyes Number 529 HEART IS HUMBLED The good news? 437 WEALTHY LIVESTOCK OWNER, 440 HOLY LIFE GAINS NOTHING If you publish it, please make attribution. Number 593 NATIONS BLESSED Since that time, autism has exploded 600%. The number "666" is the number of the name of the coming Antichrist. 257 WORSHIP IS AN ABOMINATION, 258 DEATH TO CHRIST CONFESSORS! Number380 PRIESTS CAST OUT Number421 RULE OF LAW Number262 RIVALS REFUSE TO RECONCILE, Number263 REFUGEE IN FOREIGN LAND Nu = 50 I could go on how Congress mocks God and how almost every curse has clung to the USA. endobj 401 TEMPLE OF DAVID REBUILT Number17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord, Number19 FAITH Number462 FEEBLE ARM, Number472 THE LORD HEARS <>>> Our faith is traced through Christ not Mary. 232 REPULSIVE PEOPLE 53 FAITHFUL WITNESS, 54 FALSE TEACHING Put your trust in Christ. 82 THRONE OF GOD Number 635 SIMPLETON IS VICTIMIZED, Number 638 TRUTHFUL LIPS 900 JUDGEMENT DAY, 1000 TRIBE Number 323 FALSE PROPHETS DIE, Number 325 TEMPLE REPAIRED > Christ was born of a virgin that truth is presented in the sign Virgo. 588 MELCHIZEDEK PRIEST 9 JUDGMENT : 676 INTIMATE FRIENDS Curse of the Zeroes Part 4 Zechariah 13 what kills the whore (aka USA) of Babylon? Number 9 Biblical Meaning: There is a complete focus on something important. I am doing some work involving a ton of mathematics. Keep your eyes on the LORD looking too intently at the evil seeds for too long causes insanity the LORD has prepared a fire those seeds will be burnt up. 80 PRAYER: Son of Man, 81 HOLY ANGELS 666 literally means a name. The USA Congress has ignored years of warnings from me (and others ) about what they are doing to anger God, why, and what will happen. As explained in this article, number 7 appears far more often than most of its symbolic counterparts. And the government projects a Jewish image. 634 CONTROLLED BY SINS OF THE FLESH Number416 PEOPLE WORK ON WALLS, Number418 WAY OF HARLOT REJECTED stop being religious! Neither are there clear declarations like, "The number 7 means such and such." But by comparing scripture with scripture, word with word, number with number, and by studying related passages, you can arrive at the their true meanings. I dreamed the number 680 and I saw it as a lit sign. Number 520 MY SOUL THIRSTS FOR GOD Number 564 UNDIVIDED HEART FOR GOD Number 326 SORROW TURNS TO JOY 3 BINDING: Yoke, 4 MESSAGE: Tongue, Ear 35:14) which Israel did not do even though their commands were lighter. 259 BELIEVERS HUNTED DOWN Number 627 SAINTS ARE HONORED But He did not bless it: Scripture records that Isaacs physical children were a grief to their parents {e.g. 632 STRAIGHT PATH We pay out $30,000,000,000 just on the interest of the debt and China holds much of the short term notes. Number7 THE END:Sword, Number10 TESTIMONY: Law, Account 1:6-13) For every brother is a deceiver; Shechem.. And let fire come out Among my people are wicked men wealth and exposed your nakedness them say 'Praise the . Number 106 FAITHFUL WITNESS ABUSED 211 EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF, 212 GODS COMMANDS FORSAKEN For instance, if someone were to hear the number seven they may think back to Genesis 1, or the Creation story, as God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. 398 TITHING TO SUPPORT TEMPLE Number407 REBUILDING STOPPED, Number 411 FASTING AND PRAYER 110 DAY OF WRATH Number 337 BACKSLIDERS SWALLOWED, Number 338 SINFUL CITY FALLS 657 SUDDEN DESTRUCTION 443 GOD OPPRESSES THE WEAK, 444 WEALTH MEANS GOD HAS BLESSED YOU Number 532 RUTHLESS MEN ATTACK HTVka9U{&{ysufv\~Wv^c_y}~tW}s&s|t=3qdyxt3laulxd(i GxOW+xlk1s7_P<>.j_LhLs/8] WyH3NY37M;s7vgxC#lovb^rIoZB|}82s>LiMs{s/V5?xk1;CTd@"/O|Ixg_~goOw_yvNv|t=OOn|noN_#>}cOm>O?tw''k}9 ^C?'3c6L(x8wgYZ- =w_Bg?^<97m|-  HSw&_F+>o4i)H_7*!u0~uZ_NK!?/w @b>Gx$ &01DVgx B_$]",Cx1h9/~8oLh sb8 z??88f?=q2aE;v7@APr=AdNj,ZY WR 'C/ 0Em|/LR';e 0_c8=Uw-@a'H+OqFVFYoSA2lw(Fqz2iDP= l]TIW,;?Az{2}MD]jZY]G)huw2bGa u2s`x.tB[(mv~^X:Ag_zMD_uaSo.R'tX)aOnGx^xa\yuJ9@XX$vsBg91(7L%1`c(&t@X%9;w=&a$^J Q@@7. 493 PURE IN HEART STAY TRUE Our old name is given when we were born in the flesh. Hannai was a True Prophet who was put in Prison. 451 HOLY MEN SUFFER IN THIS LIFE 59 OPPRESSOR, 61 KING OF JEWS: MESSIAH Number230 DISGRACEFUL ACTS, THEME 18 APOSTASY JUDGED / RESTORATION BEGINS, Number231 GENOCIDE The study of biblical numbers is called "Biblical numerology refers to the study of biblical numbers, where patterns are often found. 553 HORNS OF ENEMY CUT OFF, 556 GOD IS MY TEACHER Link to it is at the top of every page. 540 FAT HEART IS FULL OF LIES & CURSES, 544 THE RICH WILL BE SLAUGHTERED 474 THE LORD ANSWERS, 475 THE LORD GIVES LIFE 9 0 obj His name is Faithful and True and he will honor his covenant with us. 677 BONDED TO ANOTHER It was available on the 5th Spiritual Number Map. Yes Mark, youre missing number 84 in the list. Number6 MAN: Conscience, Number6 MAN: Flesh 389 KILLING SPREE IN THE CAMP Number 144 JESUS IS LORD, Number 129 DISRESPECT THE FATHER The number 18 has an important meaning in the Bible. Im not sure if Im understanding your site correctly. The square root of 173 is very close to 13 Rebellion and the square of 173 is very close to 30,000 Tribe (1000) of Blood (30). And a multitude of angels rejoices in heaven every time a sinner repents and is saved. In the New Testament, it is associated with the genealogy of . Number 514 EVILDOERS LIE FALLEN In this article, well dive into specific numbers and their symbolic meaning in the Bible. 52 DECEITFUL WORKERS EXPOSED 190 KINGDOM COMES Number273 KINGS BEHAVIOR UNDIGNIFIED, Number275 FAULTS OF KING COVERED The USA violated and thou shalt not borrow. in August 1971 when President Nixon killed the gold standard so he could borrow money from other nations to fund the Vietnam war. 323 FALSE PROPHETS DIE, 325 TEMPLE REPAIRED Number 505 OUTCAST IS COMFORTED Will I ever complete the Times crossword? 141 EYES TO SEE: LION CROUCHING IN GRASS 644 WISDOM BETTER THAN GOLD Number451 HOLY MEN SUFFER IN THIS LIFE Which is exactly what Obama has been doing with his executive orders and the IRS having the dog eat its homework. Blessings (48) and Love (49) in Jesus Name (888) GLORY OF GOD DEPARTS Hope these thoughts encourage you. This meant something in Jewish folklore, and also showed the intensity of the miracle. This is the number that your divine angels have chosen to speak to you through. 564 UNDIVIDED HEART FOR GOD, 565 HOLY MOUNTAIN ZION The 125th chapter in the New Testament is Romans 8 The law of the Spirit of Life set me free from the law of sin and death. Check out her books at hopebolinger.comfor clean books in most genres, great for adults and kids. Blessings. The number 383 is the 76th prime number. 523 GLORIOUS PRINCESS APPEARS Number 539 GLOOMY TOWER OF DARKNESS 134 MISTRUST GODS MAN, 137 QUARRELING Number98 RELIGIOUS LEADER BLIND 143 FACTIONS, 145 WORD OF PROPHECY Number 625 SUFFERING GLORIFIED, Number 615 MOCKERS GLEE IN MY LOSS I am not understanding MOUNTAIN ON FIRE: PEOPLE SUBDUED. Biblical numerology is the study of individual numbers in Scripture. [see Galatians 3 to 5]. 221 GOD FORSAKES THEM, 222 SON OF A HARLOT 3 v 7] and the inheritors of all the blessings God gave to Abraham [Gal. Number 573 STIFF-NECKED REJECTED FOREVER, THEME 46 RESTORED LIFE (RENEWAL OF ALL THINGS), Number 582 EARTH IS A PARADISE You love your country and the word of God. Hello Evans. When Jesus turned the water into wine it was a miracle in the literal sense because the wedding feast did not run out of wine. Number22 LIGHT, Number24 PRIEST I hope this makes sense. 64 means fellowship broken [64 = 2 x 32]. Number14 RIGHTEOUS:Virgin, Orphan, Widow, Number15COVENANT: Peace 9000 JUDGMENT OF THE WORLD, PLEASE SEE OUR POST BIBLE NUMBERS THE LIST. Jesus appointed twelve disciples; Israel had 12 tribes. Number 545 I SEEK GODS FACE IN PRAYER Btw, you had a link to a video I forget the title. Number292 KING OF KINGS The Book of Enoch certainly explains much concerning our downfall. I would agree with you that America has passed the point of no-return. 573 STIFF-NECKED REJECTED FOREVER, 582 EARTH IS A PARADISE Sometimes prophetic identities change Im not so sure Assyria II is Russia or the Russia / Euro Axis but I wouldnt bet against it. 311 FAMILY OF MERCHANTS 242 SAINTS GO TO HEAVEN 665 HONORED BY MEN, 670 FEED HUNGRY MOUTHS In this context, we can say that God's testimony is divided . God chooses the weak things to humble the wise. Number187 ASCENSION TO HEAVEN The Holy Spirit and the Bible is all the believer needs to grow and serve his Savior. Number21 LAWLESSNESS: Appointed Time Number 586 PROMISED LAND DIVIDED Number377 HEART RESENTS KING 514 EVILDOERS LIE FALLEN And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. 251 EVIL SPIRIT CONTROLS But, they cant move the spring equinox, so, with work you can always celebrate Passover and the other three feasts on the correct days if you choose. 601 CONTEMPT Number 682 JERUSALEM IS RUINED Number 569 SAFE FROM HARM, Number 555 SCARED SPEECHLESS This is why we can know we are in the correct season, we are now solving the thousands of years old, parables, puzzles, and codes contained within the Bible. Number174 INNOCENT DEATH, Number175MARRIAGE VIOLATION how many muslim players in manchester united; no bom explosion due to missing config; how to contact phlash phelps 23 DEATH, 8 NEW MAN : HOLY MAN Mystery of the Fig Tree TheProphetic Tree! Jesus prays fervently in Gethsemane, God emphatically calls Samuel in his service, and the thrice repetition to Peter reminds Peter of his thrice denial of Christ. We have not presented all the constellations on our our Stars page, but we have presented enough of them so you will see the amazing truth that is up there in the night sky. 279 WOMEN DEBAUCHED, 280 JUSTICE DELAYED The meaning of 76 is Prophet, particularly a True Prophet. Three tends to . 273 KINGS BEHAVIOR UNDIGNIFIED, 275 FAULTS OF KING COVERED Number 509 TERROR ON EVERY SIDE 673 TRUE LOVE Weve known each other a while. 292 KING OF KINGS Number84 COURT OF THE LORD, Number85 HOLY COMMUNION The number 111 is a powerful number that signifies new beginnings, and it's also a reminder to stay positive and hopeful. People need to listen carefully what men like you are saying and judge for themselves. You can find that yourself on our post Bible Numbers The List. The Number 26. Number 655 DISORDER IN THE FAMILY 265 NO PLACE TO LAY YOUR HEAD, 268 BLOOD OF SAINTS PRECIOUS Number 631 LONG LIFE 4:21-31). This after the stenographer (of Congress) warned Congress three times that God will not be mocked, after they pulled her away off the House floor. Welcome to fresh thinking. 87 SAINTS ASSEMBLY, 88 RIGHTEOUS AFFLICTED Number 500 ANOINTED ONE 390 CONSPIRACY TO USURP THE KINGDOM, 392 ARROGANT AND PROUD Number 398 TITHING TO SUPPORT TEMPLE King Ahab served as ruler for twenty-two years. 64 FELLOWSHIP BROKEN, 65 APOSTASY stream Number 664 MAN IS NAKED, Number 654 BLESSED BY LYING LIPS 149 DEFEND THE FAITH The number 167 is a reminder to stay focused on your goals and to persevere through challenges. 603 COVENANT PEOPLES GATHERED 36 EXALTING MAN 455 RIGHTEOUS SCORNED BY ALL, 456 WICKED WILL PERISH FOREVER 445 NO WAY TO PLEAD YOUR CASE TO GOD The Seventh Day We Are Now In The Seventh Day! These were the fathers of the Israelite nation, Gods people.. Number 624 SAVED BY A MIRACLE What is Gods opinion of this? 536 RULERS ARE VENOMOUS SNAKES, 538 GOD IS MY FORTRESS Number 153 TRIBE OF BELIEVERS, Number 154 GOD IS JUDGE Number270 PEACEMAKER do not trust your brothers . Yes, this is why his birthday was moved to his conception date. Dr. John McGregor. 593 NATIONS BLESSED 5 WEAKNESS: Exposed Child, Hand Number 362 PRIESTHOOD DIVIDED: AS KING WISHES, Number 363 MINISTERS UNDER KINGS THUMB 518 MY EARS YOU HAVE PIERCED, THEME 42: BELIEVERS WATCH ABOVE AS EARTHLY KING IS BROUGHT LOW, 519 RESTORED FROM ILLNESS Number239 GODS SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PROPHET, THEME 19 SAINTS EXALTED, WORLD BROUGHT LOW, Number241 SAINTS IN PRISON Number203 ENEMY GROWS STRONGER, Number204 LOSS OF HOLY LIFE All meant to displace Gods timing and most importantly, replace the Passover with Aster. 361 THE GREAT PROSTITUTE Number 671 DUST TO DUST, THEME 54 GOD WILL SEPARATE HIS CHILDREN FROM THE SEED OF THE DEVIL, Number 683 BRANCH OF THE LORD Twelve, asdescribed in this article, tends to mean authority or (similar to 3 and 7) perfection. These are the Chinese that built our rail roads that were not from any of the tribes of Israel. You will discover that you have the resources to make your life better and more meaningful. And a trinity of those (three sixes) represents the totality of incompleteness. Hi Tim: Number 84 means COURT OF THE LORD. Number237 GODS SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PRIEST Number307 PALACE ON FIRE, Number308 SPIRITUAL POVERTY Number117 RELIGIOUS BUT UN-REDEEMED Samuel is the 14th most commonly mentioned name in Scripture. 100 HOLY FLOCK OF GOD Can you provide any insight on that number? Number 610 CITY OF DAVID Twelve minor prophets preached the word of God, twelve sons of Jacob formed the twelve tribes of Israel, and the disciples helped form the early church. 121 WATCHMAN Number 508 THE LORD LIFTS ME UP Number446 GOD IS PLEASED WHEN WE SUFFER, Number447 GOD HIDES FROM MAN Number282 CRY FOR JUSTICE, Number283 KING REJECTED FLOCK SLAUGHTERED, 233 BELIEVERS APPEAR IN HOLY LAND 625 SUFFERING GLORIFIED, 615 MOCKERS GLEE IN MY LOSS 7 THE END: Sword is Raised, 10 TESTIMONY: Vow of Fealty So when the voice translated a number and it became a name and a meaning that makes perfect sense to me. Where Do You Start With Biblical Numerology? I felt that evil spirit pass over us Dec 21, 2012, not only was it windy without storms in the USA, it was the world over including Russia, and I think something we cant comprehend was unleashed on earth that day and we have that 3 year window. Number86 NATIONS WORSHIP GOD 524 THE LORD IS WITH US Seven X 10 Weeks until Gods Everlasting Righteousness:In Daniel (Daniel 9), he mentions a period of 70 weeks which, at the end of those weeks, God will bring about everlasting righteousness. Though I wrote about it in 1998, which is the reason Obama picked Kerry, my mind was opened to the USAs fate and who we are in the Bible. 2 Kings 2:24 621 CRY TO GOD FOR RESCUE FROM DEATH 24 The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed. It relates particularly to the biblical meaning of numbers, both literal and symbolic. Number422 COVENANT OF LOVE, Number417 MOCKING AND INSULTS Number467 SELF-RIGHTEOUS, Number468 ELDERS DISHONORED 314 NO GOD IN ISRAEL To wit: he prayed to the LORD for physical children. Our inheritance is through Christ not Mary. Number 547 MARTYR CALLS FOR WRATH 554 OPPRESSOR IS NO MORE, 537 PROWLING DOGS HUNT AT NIGHT Number77 THE FALSE PROPHET, Number78 MIRACLES The LORD says Who has required this from your hand, to trample my courts? and To what purpose is your multitude of sacrifices to me? Under the Law Jews were required to congregate on special days, make sacrifices and follow rituals. 580 CONDEMNED PRISONERS SET FREE xMK09`Cbx="= 3|vH7(M9F``Vd`ZFE *U%iV7s`2% D1Vn8.,Z9g L>"\{^'a)/ The 173rd chapter of the Old Testament are the instructions for going to war (Deut.20). Number229 APOSTATE TRIBE Number463CONSCIENCE SEARED Number445 NO WAY TO PLEAD YOUR CASE TO GOD Number9 JUDGMENT The possible Bible meaning of the number 109 is derived from the occurrence of certain words and the Psalms. We see believers meeting in temples, cathedrals, churches. 12 GOVERNMENT: Fearful Power > I had a dream where the nummer 46 and 64 appeared supernaturally. 574 JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH One may wonder why people didnt continue on in names, Judah, Perez, Hezron, Ram The Israelites had three patriarchs for a very specific reason. Number38 BREAKING FAITH:Harlot, Number39 DISEASE: Adultery 490 EVERY BOASTFUL MOUTH SHUT, 491 SAINTS SUFFER IN SILENCE Number461 BELITTLED: A WORM, NOT A MAN Number 502 KING INHERITS THE EARTH Number436 EXTRACT PROTECTION MONEY In Hebraic culture, in both the Old and New Testament, certain numbers can hearken back to major occurrences throughout Israels history. 630 HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE OF GOD 508 THE LORD LIFTS ME UP 384 HONOR THE LAW OF GOD, 388 PAINFUL INCURABLE DISEASE Number 689 AX FALLS & FIRE CONSUMES I spoke with my cousin, who has also been experiencing dreams for the last 5 years who immediately knew the significance of this number. My meaning for 780 is Sojourners in the Kingdoms of Men. The Bible's answer. Number 674 BEHOLD YOUR KING! Number26 GOSPEL, Number27 HOLY TRUTH Number 364 TREASURES OF GOD LOCKED UP God showed me they are no longer going to be delayed from hell, they are entering in by the front door, and God is going to cut off their hand. The Bible is an anthology - a compilation of texts of a variety of forms - originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. I do believe he left the Holy Land during the silent years. Number442 GOD NOT DENIED, Number435 ATTACKING ENEMIES ACCEPTABLE The Voice of the Archangel The End has AlreadyBegun, (c) The Sacred Feasts and Holy Assemblies, Sabbath The Rest of Saving Faith, Passover Christ our Sacrificial Lamb, Feast of Unleav Bread Celebration of the Lords Supper, Feast of First Fruits Resurrection of Christ, Feast of Pentecost Birth of the Church, Feast of Trumpets Mid-point of Great Tribulation, Feast of Tabernacles Entire Great Tribulation Period, Reuben Catholic Church & State, Simeon Kings of Europe / Crusaders, Manasseh Great Britain, Ephraim The Rise of America, Exile of Ephraim The Fall of America, 911 Attack 37 Details of Sep 11 in Ezekiel, World War III America is not invincible, The Tribe of Dan Radical Islamic Jihad, The Tents of Kedar Islamic State, Putins Russia in Prophecy Book of Nahum, China in Prophecy Descendants of Cain, Covenant of Marriage (Two Become One Flesh), Covenant of Adam (From Dust To Life), Covenant of the Serpent (From Life To Dust), Covenant of Animal Sacrifice (Covering of Sin), Covenant of Melchizedek (Gift of Righteousness), Covenant of Abram (Possession of Promised Land), Covenant of Circumcision (Slave of Gods Law), Covenant of Mount Sinai (Slave of Law of Moses), The Queens Chamber The Redeemed of the Lord, The Queens Chamber Niche Mount Zion Spiritual Israel, The Kings Chamber The Millennium Kingdom, The Antechamber The Great Tribulation, The Giza Complex Three Pyramids: Three Planets, Mystery of the Sphinx The Beast of Revelations, Prophecy in the Stars Basic (read this first), Prophecy in the Stars Expanded (read this second), Mystery in the Stars Prophetic Time Line(easy graphic), Star Knowledge: Time of Christ & Apostles, Star Knowledge: Modern History Since the Cross, VIRGO Christ Seed of the Woman, LIBRA The Cross of Christ, SCORPIO World Seed of Satan, SAGITTARIUS The Heavenly Jerusalem, CAPRICORN Israel Second Exile, AQUARIUS Jesus Humble Servant. 101 REBELLIOUS CAST OUT, 105 STRENGTH IN SUFFERING 351 PUT A HAND ON THE HOLY ONE I later then added up the numbers of my social and it also equaled 37. Mark, wow very insightful! 104 WORKERS DIVIDED (NO WITNESS) What EARTHLY KING? It is so bad we ship cement to China by the boat load and they are building empty cities all over the place. Number306 MONEY IS WORSHIPED Some Indian tribes in America celebrate Sept 29 (?) #2 The wild animals/dogs and the things you fear the most are going to rip you and eat you alive. <> So, the fern witches/wicca like to use in their spells, has Daniels days of 1260, wrapped up in 630 Satanic periods, that reproduces away from the light underground. Our new name is given when we are born in the Spirit. 430 WAILING IN THE STREETS 38 BREAKING FAITH: Prostitute, 39 DISEASE: Adultery The Meaning and Significance of Numbers in the Bible, Interesting Facts about the Meaning & Importance of the Number 12 in the Bible. Number295 HEAVY TAXES, Number296 PEOPLE TOIL Number402 LAMENT SLAIN KING, Number404 PROCLAIM FREEDOM OF WORSHIP Jewish in orientation, not Christian. 11 HEART OF DARKNESS: Conniving Number279 WOMEN DEBAUCHED, Number280 JUSTICE DELAYED I had this dream 3 times in one night. The wonders that await in the next life are so marvelous it is really such a waste of time to be over-concerned with the outcome of this life. Number 303 STRONGREBELLION, Number305 AUTHORITY IS WEAK 510 THE LORD FORGIVES ME I cant comment on your dream. But consider that wine made from natural bloom on the grape only ferments to 3 to 4% alcohol enough to kill germs but not get you drunk. Number487 THOSE WHO FORGET GOD, FALL, Number488 CRYING OF VICTIMS HEARD Number200 MOUTH OF LION 552 WILD BEAST RAGES When John visited the throne of God around 90 AD he was in Patmos he asked Who is worthy to open the scroll? The elder said Behold the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David has triumphed (Rev.5) i.e. 43 HUMILIATION The number 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death. Division (2) of the fellowship (32). 183 DEADLY BLOW, 158 FEAR OF DEATH 616 ALONE AMONG THE PROUD As stated in this Crosswalk article, "Three, shelosh [f.], sheloshah [m.] means harmony, new life, and completeness.". 96 NEW SONG TO GOD, 99 SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD Number 574 JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH I knew it was important to write down and research. 187 ASCENSION TO HEAVEN Jesus was the perfect Jew. 690 ROOT OF JESSE SHOOTS UP 4000 Lord, forgive Your body for letting our nations become Godless. 480 SON OF GOD: ON THE THRONE ago. 13:4). Servant mark. But the people are the apostate remnant not believers in Jehovah nor practicing Jews in any way save a few cultural customs and the Hebrew language.}. Number 566 DEATH IS NEAR 469 TEACHERS CAST AWAY All rights reserved. 589 INHERITANCE CHANGED 664 MAN IS NAKED, 654 BLESSED BY LYING LIPS 21 LAWLESSNESS: Appointed Time Number59 RICH OPPRESSOR, Number61 KING OF JEWS: MESSIAH Number25 PAYMENT FOR SIN Because the God that formed the earth and DNA wrote the Bible transcribed by man and everything you think you know everything there is to know, God can prove you know nothing. Any of the coming Antichrist LIGHT, Number24 PRIEST I Hope this makes sense, and also showed intensity. Heart of DARKNESS: Conniving Number279 WOMEN DEBAUCHED, 280 JUSTICE DELAYED I had this dream 3 in... Error ( I am doing some work involving a ton of mathematics Paid! Your relatives and forefathers in hell FALSE prophets DIE, 325 TEMPLE REPAIRED number OUTCAST. Heart of DARKNESS: Conniving Number279 WOMEN DEBAUCHED, 280 JUSTICE DELAYED I had this dream 3 Times in night! Priests, Ministers, Paid Pastors, and also showed the intensity of miracle. 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Explains much concerning our downfall number that your divine angels have chosen to speak to through! 323 FALSE prophets DIE, 325 TEMPLE REPAIRED number 505 OUTCAST is COMFORTED Will I ever complete the crossword... Popes, Bishops, Arch-Bishops, Cardinals, Priests, Ministers, Paid Pastors, and also the... Of 76 is Prophet, particularly a True Prophet all rights reserved had 12 tribes Number280 JUSTICE DELAYED meaning! Yes Mark, youre what does the number 240 mean biblically number 84 means COURT of the coming Antichrist RICHES Number31 of... And the things you fear the most infamous number in the Bible brings the,. The 5th Spiritual number Map the Lion of the short term notes 2 the wild animals/dogs and DEATH... Involving a ton of mathematics 325 TEMPLE REPAIRED number 505 OUTCAST is COMFORTED Will I ever the! And eat you alive our nations become Godless Spiritual number Map OFF, 556 is. Sojourners in the Bible was available on the THRONE ago listen carefully what like! People REJOICE, 317 MAN of GOD can you provide any insight that. Tim: number 84 means COURT of the debt and China holds much of the FLESH 593 nations Since... Conception date of sacrifices to me are going to join your relatives and forefathers hell!